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Boyfri...wait a minute.. No!
Beach Loungers
Anyone willing to take me to tropical islands!
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a dance music junkie. Thump, Hiss, Thump, Hiss... Good Shtuff! However I do listen to a little bit of everything with the exception of Country Music. Its akin to a cat climbing a chalkboard to me. Whiny, pissy, moany... I'll pass. Favorite artist you ask? Why it would be the one and only Prodigy! Gets me going no matter what!I like Groove Salad from San Fran for just chillin. Its a Shoutcast radio station. Look it up!
American Beauty The Departed Enemy at the Gates The Fifth Element Any Zombie Flick Mulholland Drive Thank You For Smoking
Television is bad for me and any of my friends know that I get mesmorized and completely zone out when its on. Therefore, I don't really watch much TV. I'll catch The Family Guy and Robot Chicken on occasion and The Simpsons is always good. Not much into the Reality TV thing. If you want reality, wake up, go outside and do something with yourself.
Finished "The Sex Lives of Cannibals" by J Maarten Troost. Awesome book about life on Tarawa atoll in the Pacific. Knocked out Brave New World by Aldous Huxley a couple months ago and then picked up Troosts other book "Getting Stoned with Savages". Right now I'm working on "1776" by David McCullough.
My Dad who I can only hope to be like if I'm a dad someday
My grandpa Pa-Dan who taught me so many life lessons that have led to success