music, photography (tammy rae carland, nan goldin), dancinnnn, shows, having no tolerance for closed-mindedness, mia zapata, salsa partieeeeessssssss, my friends and my family ....pretty cliche
"And we keep on paying those freaks on the TV,
Who claim they will save us but want to enslave us.
And sweating like demons they scream through our speakers
But we leave the sound on 'cause silence is harder.
And no one’s the killer and no one’s the martyr
The world that has made us can no longer contain us"- regina spektor i guess.
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Anything that makes me dance, particularly these guys: annnddd: house, drum n bass, jungle, breakbeat, marching bands, symphonies, choirs, dueling pianos, old jazz music, the blues, new jazz music, and people that have amazing voices
Documentaries, Gael Garcia Bernal movies (we're actually married..)and Audrey Tatou movies
intervention, south park, anything on history/discovery channel
Fearless series, Wheel of Time series, 1984, Angry Women in Rock, We Gotta Get Outta this Place, the no nonsense guide to feminism, slut!, manifesta, civil disobediance, cunt, that takes ovaries, listen up! voices from the third wave generation,Running with scissors, a people's history of the united states, living my life, Candy girl, the vagina monologues, the belll jar, to be real, jane sexes it up, the girls who went away, fugitive pieces, the woman warrior, the talking eggs, gang leader for a day, a piece of cake, monster, once a king always a king/my bloody life, things fall apart, a wrinkle in time, 1984, there are no children here, how the farcia girls lost their accents,chronicle of a death foretold, a child called it, balzac and the little chinese seamstress, anything on Seal Press and Live Girls, i love to read
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