~Bren~ profile picture


I Love Dillon!

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

Your Theme Song is Fight for Your Right by the Beastie Boys
"Your mom busted in and said, "What's that noise?"
Aw, mom you're just jealous - it's the Beastie Boys!"

You love to party hard and cause a little trouble...
And you're too busy getting wasted to move out of your parents' house! What's Your Theme Song?* MY NAME IS BRENSLiE DRAPER AND I AM EiGHTeeN* i LoVE My BAbY DILLON WILSON AND CoNVERSATiON BuT i DONT LiKE LiERS SO iF YOU ARE ONE DONT TALK TO ME!!! I HAVE LONG BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES ABOUT 5'4 So iF YoU WaNT To TaLK HiT Me uP!!*

My Interests

i like country music, big trucks, and other things ;-)
Hosted By SparkleTags.com

I'd like to meet:

*kenny chesney*

Create Your Own Custom Message

You Are 75% Redneck
Well knock me down and steal muh teeth!There ain't no redneck like you. How Redneck Are You?
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net


Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
Hosted By SparkleTags.com



You Are a Phoenix
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily.
You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world.
You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns.
However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts. What Mythological Creature Are You?
How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say I"m always here even if you have to reach for me.
Your eyes say I"m so lucky.
Your hugs say Nothing I desire compares with you.
Your kisses say I almost can"t believe you love me.
Your body says I want to wake up beside you.
Your heart says Te amo.

You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?


Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


!@..$ Scooby Doo b/c w/o him they would have never solved a mystery!@..$
Your Bumper Sticker Should Be
Squirrel - it's what's for supper What Bumper Sticker Should Be On Your Car?
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog

My Southern Gentlemen

yea so i havent wrote a blog in forever! but i found my southern gentlemen it was two months the 29th! he's awsome!! hehe im more than happy! i hope those words don't bite me in the ass........
Posted by ~Bren~ on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:20:00 PST


Hey people guess what despite the fact that everything is going wrong i am in a odly good mood .... scarey...and to thnk when everything is going to hell i can't stop laughing about it...mabey im in d...
Posted by ~Bren~ on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:42:00 PST

where are all the southern gentlemen

u know what is really fucked up is when somebody has the nerve to slander u in front of somebody else and u don't even have the nerve to take up for urself. and especially when it degrades u. well dam...
Posted by ~Bren~ on Mon, 08 May 2006 07:10:00 PST

Fake lil punks who are pissin me off

OMG what the crap some people fuckin piss me off what the crap why is every body emo? what the crap is emo anyways i bet if u ask some of these people the answer would be uh....well...um yea thats rig...
Posted by ~Bren~ on Thu, 04 May 2006 11:12:00 PST