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Im just a SimpLe gurL...Living A sImPLe lYf in My siMpLe w0rld..."n0 mAn is w0rth mAh tEaRs,iF hE'$ w0rth iT hE w0uLdnt mAke mE CRY!!!" Im n0t thE type 0f gUrL wh0's BITCHY & NAUGHTY!! cErtainly im classy and sassy so i wudnt snoop d0wn to the level of those f****** DUMB ass girls awt there who only thinks of FLIRTING.... s0me people think that im EASY to get bC0z of my g00d nature and bc0z im KIKAY but im certainly NOT one of th0se type of gUrLs!!! i'M An EmOtIoNal And TemPeraMentaL PerSon. I From A GoD-Fearing family and ReallY reSpOnsible PareNts.. Hmm, I HaVe A cReatiVe Ability In Art, MusIc, SingIng. My SociaBle naTure ExpressEs aFfection, ThoUghtfullNess n KindNess to the eXtent that it'S DiffiCuLt for me nOt to Be aFfected by Others and Governed by other Emotions.. :)u can add me here and my friendster acct..:
email add: [email protected]
ym: sherie_roxas