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Photo Collage:::::::::::::::::::Im Dj and I love e-music, my genre is Progressive House with electro tendencies, Im 20 years old, Im working with Syrc and art machine project in a collective called ESPECTRONI-K, a lot of sounds, voices and images, cool people and ambient to stay in a party and be able to understand electronic music ... visit www.thedjlist.com/djs/AINHOA....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ainhoa is a progressive house whit a lot of electro tendencies Dj. She was born in 1986.
After to listening electronic music of Djs like Sasha, Dave Seaman, John Digweed and Hernan Cattaneo, she decide became a Dj when she just has 16 years old, and since that moment she purposed to be one of the most important Djs of Latin America. She starts to save money to buy her own mixer machine and her turntables. She also likes the design and music and she is going to become a professional musician. In the 2003 she decides together with Hernan Latin (Vienna - Austria) to form a denominated community Beach Sounds that had validity during very little time due to the departure from Hernan to Their residence country Austria, nevertheless Ainhoa followed her career, she join whit Syrc and together created in 2005 what was denominated CRUNK, community conformed by 4 members who 2 of them for obvious reasons abandon the project, continuing Syrc and Ainhoa therewith they continued working for the community, they decided to unite together with Art Machine who are the in charge Vjs of the visual ones in the events of ESPECTRONI-K, She also is the responsible of the music in ESPECTRONI-K, a collective group which mix the video and the music in their parties whit a very particular style, which most important purpose is to diffuse the culture of the progressive in their city, Bogot, and in their country, Colombia, Then around the world.
Ainhoa says: "Electronic music is my life, is my religion and is my reason of be. Even in a man medium, the girls has prove that we also it get a space so very important in the electronic music". In her short career she had opportunity to play in some of the best bars and clubs of the city like La Modelo, Ra Bar & lounge, Magnolia, La Sala, Tribeca Hair Fashion, Magna Beat, Living, Lottus,AntÃfona (as a resident),Tropical Cocktails, Pipeline, El Gurú, House 67 Casa Siam,, The Red Crow, Loop; Penélope, Cha Cha; and and towns like Tenjo and Tabio, as well as in private parties, in foundations and social groups.Ainhoa always had the pleasure for the music, in the year 92; to the six years she discovered the pleasure for the electronic music, and from very small, it has belonged to choirs, groups of dances, cheer leaders, and in her years of life had been able to overcome those who take many years in the medium; with effort, sacrifice and study everything you can achieveAINHOA, is the meaning of a Spain Virgin ... Is a very interesting woman...::::::::::::::::::::AINHOA ::::::::Name that it is imposed in honor to the Virgin of Ainhoa that is worshipped in the Basque country, Spain. :::::::::Characteristic:::::::::::::::: She is a spontaneous, awake and lucid woman. She knows as acting in each occasion and she has easiness to adapt to any atmosphere. She is good worker, excellent friend and partner. :::::::::Love::::::::::::::::::::: She has very in undoubtedly their ideal man is that that demonstrates him his feelings, it respects it, it spoils it and share his securities of life:::::::::::::Bed::::::::::::
Can be hot, but is tender twice:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Español::
::::::::::AINHOA:::::::::::::Joven Dj especializada en Electro House y House con tendencias Progressive, nacida en 1986, a sus 16 años decide entrar al mundo de los Djs, con influencias de pinchadiscos de talla internacional como Dave Seaman, John Digweed, Sasha, Hernan Cattaneo. En el 2003 decide junto con Hernan Latin (Viena-Austria) formar un colectivo denominado Beach Sounds, que tuvo vigencia durante muy poco tiempo debido a la partida de Hernan a Su paÃs de residencia Austria, no obstante Ainhoa siguió su camino, encontró a Syrc y juntos crearon en el 2005 lo que se denominó CRUNK, colectivo conformado por 4 miembros quienes 2 de ellos por razones obvias abandonan el proyecto, continuando con esto Syrc y Ainhoa siguieron trabajando por el colectivo, decidieron unirse junto con Art Machine, quienes son los Vjs encargados de los visuales en los eventos de ESPECTRONI-K, en Diciembre de 2005 se establece como colectivo.A sus 18, Ainhoa se convierte en responsable de la música en el colectivo ESPECTRONI-K, es de las más jóvenes en su género y entre los Djs de su ciudad y de su paÃs, la única mujer dentro del colectivo; organizadora de eventos: con experiencia en promoción, publicidad y producción de sus propias fiestas y de otros grupos o Djs, en eventos con CRUNK que fue su colectivo de Djs junto con Syrc, ahora ESPECTRONI-K, Ainoa, quien ha realizado eventos en sitios como la Modelo, Ra Bar & lounge, varias apariciones en Magnolia, La Sala, Tribeca Hair Fashion, Magna Beat, Living, Lottus, AntÃfona (as a resident),Tropical Cocktails(as a resident), Pipeline, El Gurú, House 67, Casa Siam, The Red Crow, Loop; Penélope, Cha Cha, y en otras ciudades como Tenjo, Tabio, Tulúa, Cali, entre otros,.En su corta carrera ha tenido oportunidad de tocar en algunos de los mejores bares y clubes de la ciudad y sus alrededores, asà como en fiestas privadas, como para fundaciones y grupos sociales. Aunque Ainhoa se encuentra en un medio netamente masculino, ha demostrado que las mujeres también tienen un espacio dentro de la música electrónica y que pueden ocupar lugares muy importantes en contests, selecciones y en rankings de Djs. En la lista oficial www.thedjlist.com/djs/AINHOA se ha ubicado dentro del los 10 mejores en Bogotá siendo la 8º durante el transcurso del año 2007 y en su paÃs dentro de los mejores 30, siendo la 22. Ainhoa siempre ha tenido el gusto por la música, en el año 92; a la edad de seis descubrió el gusto por la música electrónica, y desde muy pequeña, ha pertenecido a coros, grupos de danzas, cheer leaders, y en sus años de vida a podido superar a quienes llevan mucho tiempo en el medio; con esfuerzo, sacrificio y estudio todo se puede lograr.*****************************************************
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