Joey profile picture


The changing of times...

About Me

Well I am in El Paso Texas. Its pretty cool i guess.
Im away from all my friends and family which totaly sucks.
BUT i have an awesome family here too.
I used to be the singer in a band called Rosaline but i joined the army like a dumbass and had to quit. I love those guys so much so please go check them out and order the new album(which i had the pleasure to be apart of) and a shirt.
Check these guys out, they are the best unsigned band ive heard.
I cant spell anything so dont get pissed when everything is wrong
I hate when people dont leave voicemails
I love Sammi. She is my best friend. She will always be there no matter what. Pink bismuth...chinesephotographer. you all wish you knew what i was talking about. She puts up with me when i am crabby at night and i put up with her being bossy becuase we love eachother and thats that. She will kick any girls butts that mess with me. thats what best friends do. Sea Otter and Orca
I love seattle washington and all the amazing people that live there.
I love being cold so i can sink under blankets
I am not very good with money
I love airheads and coldstone oreo overload
I get sick all the time, prob. because i dont eat right
I love the snow and everything about it
I forget everything so dont tell me anything too important
I like to be romantic at times.. and lame too
I think evolution is bogus....millions of years bla bla crap
Ryan Zimmerman(some of you know who that is) has been my "older brother" since i was in 1st grade and he has got me through more hard times then anybody ever will. I love him with all my heart and this is were i stop t y p i n g . . . . .

My Interests

snowboarding, music, singing, skating, seattle washington, gay sex.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus because he saved my life


the bled, taking back sunday, death cab for cuttie, the faint, straylight run, postal service, greeley estates, yesterdays rising, saosin, circa survive, bleed the dream, sound of animals fighting, and too many more to list.


dumb and dumber, blue streak, fight club, while you were sleeping.


family guy, the king of queens, cops, police videos.


one flew over the cuckoos nest

