~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life profile picture

~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life

resist anything but temptation

About Me

Im a Brummie in Hollywood, I am alice in wonderland. Im far away from home and close to making a new one and that’s pretty scary. but it excites the hell out of me too. I have very big dreams and aspirations, I have great determination to achieve them all. Acting is my everything.I act as a hobby and as a career, not as a way of life, some people in my profession fail at noticing the difference and drawing a line between th etwo. I do not like these people as genuine as they may seem., they always tend to turn around and bite me on the ass. As I will do to myself if I ever turn into one of them. Ive learnt that life is hard, ive also learnt that life can be amazing and you have to take the good with the bad. The falls make the highs so much more worthwhile. I am realistic although I live in a dream world. Im crazy and neurotic but I love myself that way…its always a great excuse. I can handle a lot, iv been pushed to my limits, ive crossed the line, erased the line, re-drawn the line, tightrope walked over it and the rest. I am trouble. I will confuse you, I confuse myself but im still learning so that’s ok. I love naughty things and naughty people, I love dirty things and dirty people. i know how to have a good time. I know how to have a fucking great time. Ive done things I shouldn’t do but hasn’t everyone. Iv seen a lot for someone my age but I don’t regret a thing. I love good conversation, I overindulge, I bite people a lot, ask lucy/cara/benito, il’l always leave a mark, whether its with my teeth or otherwise. I like making lasting impressions. Each of my close friends are priceless and I couldn’t live without them. I am always open to new possibilities but do wrong by me and theres a padlock on my bad book. I love challenges. I need spontaneity in my life and I dislike ruts. Shock me, intrigue me and im all yours, patronise or pamper me and il rebel and run away. I was born in the wrong time, therefore I never quite fit in but I create a box of my own and its quite comfortable thank you. Im a timeless wild child who’ll make you want to join a rock band, or the circus, no telling which and if you need a partner in crime, im always down. Sometimes im rude and im sorry. I live in the moment and it can carry me anywhere. I thrive on adventure and sleep. I need a great deal of both in my life. Whoever said sleep when your dead musnt have bought the right mattress or have personality enough to dream. Bed is one of my favourite places and getting out of it is the hardest part of my day. But once I do I achieve impossible things. The guy who invented snooze is a god. Hurt me il hurt you, test me, il test you, love me il make it difficult but il love you back all the same.There, I did it, I filled out an about me section, that’s progress for you, maybe soon il get round to replying to my messages…. :s.. -- HTML Codes by Code-Generator.net --

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My Interests

House of 1000 Corpses
Add to My Profile | More VideosALkaline trio- Radio live at warped

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I'd like to meet:

elvis & meatloaf


im rock and roll at heart, through and through.i have four sets of heroes - ELVIS - MEATLOAF - ALKALINE TRIO - DEF LEPPARD -(i get lost in the song above)


BEERFEST!!!!!true romance, spun, party monster, natural born killers, house of a 1000 corpses, spun, requiem for a dream, hostel, bride of chucky, just friends, devils rejects.........wizard of oz lol...im thinking...monsters inc is baad, as is toy story, peter pan - hook, pretty woman...fight club, sin city, constantine, snatch, errr thelma and louise, fear and loathing in las vegas, reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, SOS, the rocky horror picture show, detroit rock city, idle hands, dirty dancing, the addams family lol, ghost, bambi is too sad, alice in wonderland, the jungle book lol, beetlejuice...WATCH THE ORPHANAGE ITS AMAZING - love pretty much any grimy dirty nasty horror film, the worse the better..kinda wrong but a good horror film makes me horny!


TWO PINTS OF LAGER N A PACKET OF CRISPS! ultimate favourite. teenage mutant ninja turtles, many many old cartoons, captain planet obviously. family guy, lots more, no time


as above, alkaline trio rule my world, elvis and i have a connection that very few people understand, meatloaf and myself even fewer. BETTY BOOP is me in cartoon form, MARILYN MONROE is a legend amongst women, blondies a bad ass, bettie page is sex on legs, kate bush is crazy like me so a kindred spirit. and finally super ted...obviously and captain planet..he's our hero

My Blog

so im home earlyish

for a friday night anyway, which is always great, so of course rather than go to bed and catch up on sleep, im catching up with my online correspondance (which, yes i know is very bad) also makes me t...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:27:00 PST

an urgent request for tim burtons attention- pleaqse help me out!!!!!!!!!!!

An urgent request for Tim Burton's attention! I have to read the role of Alice for your upcoming production.You are a very difficult man to track down so this is my attempt at breaking the ice and mak...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:28:00 PST

been a while!!! quick update

sorry to ppl who have messaged me and i havnt gotten back right away, iv had the most insane couple of weeks EVER! iv finished studying at the new york film academy in LA, just performed in my showcas...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 03:17:00 PST

how fucking cool is this...

weve been filming on universal all week and we filmed our series in the HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES HOUSE! how wicked is that, its very cool, on the corner from the desperate housewives sets strangely enoug...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 05:38:00 PST

how fucking stressfull is moving!!!!!

fucking 'very' is the answer to that question. waaaah moving into my house today, aswell as having school all fucking day. had a class with the writer of rugrats and wild thornberries n all that n wer...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 03:23:00 PST

halloween & puffy smoke related eyes (rosie updates)

anyone else want to claw there eyes out because of the smoke everywhere!! the fires are so bad and u can just smell and see the ash everywhere n my eyes BUUUUUURN, fucking ouch, although im sure other...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:51:00 PST

well im back in LA...

dont no quite how happy i am about that but i know its the right thing. the flight was a fucking killer, got to catch up on like four films iv missed recently, surprisingly good airline food - always ...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 07:11:00 PST

i really fucking miss...

benito lorenzo esquirein fact im really fucking homesick right nowi miss cara, and shes only been gone since this morningi felt like i should have been taking the flight back with her to see everybody...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 06:28:00 PST

awesome party last fri n polka dot luggage for thurs!

thank you to everyone who came to my thingy on friday, hope u were as wrecked as i was, which was pretty fucking wrecked, still feeling it today...in my jaw lol, whos idea was those huge ass mother fu...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:37:00 PST

aint nothin but a homewrecker...

...yeah...fucking awesome party at jess's on saturday!! made up for waiting outside the us embassy for 2 n a half hours in the freezing cold and pouring rain, was not a happy rosie n made sure everyon...
Posted by ~ waiting for Elvis ~ C.T.C fo life on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:35:00 PST