mUsiC, MoVieS, fAsHIoN, neT sUrFinG,pAraNoRmAL sTuff, the BeACH.. fOOd..=}
someone real...
aCousTic...R& where i can sing,dance..or just cuddle up and relax with..=}
sErEndePitY...pAtcH aDAmS...rUnAWaY bRiDE...swEEt hOme aLaBamA...leGallY bLoNdE...tHe RiNg...i kNOw wHat yOu did lAst sUmmeR.. detective,horror,heartwarming,or unpredictable movie themes...
i'm potato yea..i love tV..~chArMeD~ CSI, spOngEbOb, f3ArFaCtoR, sEx in ThE cItY, OpRaH, stYlE for LeSS, fOr lOve or mOnEY...loCaLs..hmm.. i like MTV, MaRiNa, ViCtiM, wHaZZup.., F.., REaLity TV shOws and eNterTAiNmeNT stuFF... docUmEntarIes..NeWs..
sElF hELp BOOks..rOmaNtiC stuff..deteCtiVE or SCaRy onEs..