Music! Music! Music! (ALMOST ALWAYS HARD AND OLDSCHOOL EBM), Passion, Movies (all kinds), Sex, Poetry, Literature (Religion, Conspiracies, Science Fiction & Horror), Partying, Eating, all drinking in general: Beer (Sagres Bohemia especially!), Absinth (Swiss, French, German or Spanish), White Wine, Red Wine, Vodka, Rum, Tequila, Mezcal,...
People with similar musical tastes, New friends (Maybe), Party People, Animals, Machines, Good People, Honest and Hardworking People,...
E.B.M.(My favourite style of music), Industrial, Electro Pop, Minimal Electro, Dark Electro, Electro Goth, Power Noize, Synth Pop, Goth Rock , Post Punk, Punk Rock, some Oi!, Psychobilly, Rockabilly, Doom Metal, Darkwave, Coldwave, DarkFolk, Medieval, Alternative Pop, Alternative Rock, Grunge, Death/Trash Metal,...
Some Artists I like:
Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, DAF, Absolute Body Control, X-Marks the Pedwalk, Spetsnaz, Sturm Cafe, Ionic Vision, E-Craft, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, Yazoo, O.M.D., Human League, Duran Duran, Classix Nouveau, Herois do Mar, Taxi, Mler Ife Dada, Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, The Redskins, The Templars, Bauhaus, Ausgang, The Cramps, Iggy Pop, The Cure, Siouxsie & The Banshies, The Mission, Creatures, Sisters of Mercy, The Fields Of The Nephilim, Nefilim, Southern Death Cult, Death Cult, The Cult, Heroes del Silencio (My Favourite Band of all time!), The Azoic, Negative Format, VNV Nation, Covenant, Neuroticfish, Assemblage 23, Diorama, Diary of Dreams, Xotox, Soman, Pneumatic Detach, Noisuf-X, X-Fusion, Hocico, Punto Omega, Grendel, Amduscia, Panzer AG, Feindflug, Combichrist, Suicide Commando, Aghast View, Din Fiv, Front Line Assembly, Velvet Acid Christ, :Wumpscut:, Accessory, Retrosic, Yendri, Nine Inch Nails, Bizarra Locomotiva, Ministry, Rammstein, At the Gates, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Arch Enemy, In Flames, The Duskfall, Dismember, Carcass, Ever Eve, Anathema, Type O Negative, Moonspell, In Extremo, Tanzwut, Ataraxia, Qntal, Caprice, Corvus Corax, Louisa John-Krol, Potentia Animi, Um Zero Amarelo, Toranja, A Naifa, Interpol, Bloc Party, The Kills, White Stripes, Placebo, Muse, Elefant, The Hives, The (International) noise Conspiracy, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots,...
I Love everything from David Lynch (Mullholand Drive, Lost Highway, the Elefant Man, Dune, Blue Velvet,...), Kubrik's Clockwork Orange, The Shining and 2001: Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, The Planet of the Apes, V for Vendetta, 28 Days Later, Platoon, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, El Mariachi, Desperado, Kill Bill part I and part II, Hostel I & II, Grindhouse: Deathproof and Planet Terror, Ringu or The Ring, The Eye, Ju-On or The Grudge, Darkwater, "Dolls" from Takeshi Kitano, All "Alien" movies, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Machinist, Cypher, Shadow of the Vampire, 24 Hour Party People, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Trainspotting, Minority Report, all "Saw" movies, almost all the "Halloween" series, Silence of the Lambs, 12 Monkeys, all Horror Classics,...
I often don't watch much television and I think TV was invented for the weak minded... You only see what they want you to see (Think about it)... Pure and Easy Mind Control.
Lots so I can't name them all here... Here are some autors I Like:
Jose Luis Peixoto, H.P. Lovecraft, William Burroughs, H.G. Wells, William Golding, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Edgar Allan Poe, Jack London, Bram Stoker,...
No more heroes anymore so don't try to be smart (take no heroes, only inspiration)...