Dreamgirl profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in Salem, VA...full time student ...I'm a people person...I can get along with anyone who is real...

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Music Video: DREAMGIRL (by Dave Matthews Band)

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My Interests

Jon...my fiance!!!I like going out doing pretty much anything...Skiing, Tennis, Cars, Poker, laying out, Fishing (I don't bait or take the fish off), Skating, Hiking, Going out to the movies...Anything..
a href="http://www.blingyblob.com/countdown/index.htm" target="_blank"

I'd like to meet:

Dave Matthews, Elton John, Josh Hartnett, and Josh Duhmel.People I've already met: Cal Ripken Jr. Andy Roddick and Doyle Brunson.


My favorite band of course is obvious, Dave Matthews Band...However I listen to just about anything! I love music it's one of my favorite places to hide.


I like chick flicks, comedies, drama, and I can tollerate action as long as there are not any ugly characters. I have a hard time looking at ugly things. Good things to look at Josh Hartnett, Josh Duhamel, and in a comedic way Will Ferrel and Vince Vaughn.


Nanny and Will and Grace...oh and some news. Too tired these days.


I read them, Cosmo, and People


My family and teachers!

My Blog

Survey from alison and zina

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:AlexandraBirthday:09/28/84Birthplace:St. Petersburg, FLCurrent Location:Salem, VAEye Color:BlueHair Color:Blonde, dirty blonde with highlights and that's my sto...
Posted by Dreamgirl on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 12:36:00 PST