Koma Katz are a Psychotic Rockabilly group from Brighton, England. They formed November 2005 playing a punked up variety of rockin' music, they aint just another boring trendy gothic, fashionbilly or horror punk band nor are they yet another cliched punk n roll band going through the motions, here is a fresh and genuinley exciting modern take on British psychobilly.
Danceable rhythms, hard rockin' riffs and witty lyrics with horror references and stories of alcohol abuse and ultraviolence.the KOMA KATZ are no longer playing gigs. Although members are now in other bands TRASHTOWN THRILLERS, SECOND HAND KOFFIN, RADIO CITY RIOT and HOODOO CREEPS!
"KOMA KATZ Great band! psychobilly right there!"
Mike Davies BBC Radio 1 THE LOCK UP
"Koma Katz are a new UK Psycho band you want to check out!"
Scootering Magazine - July 2007
"Koma Katz live that rock 'n' roll shit day and night, in nuggets of raging psychobilly, boot on the monitor, screaming in the face of conformity!"
HELL GIBSON review in Brighton Source Magazine - May 2007
"A voice like screeching brakes counts you onto the floor to get your jiving shoes on and squealing guitars muscle you closer, so you either step on, or the greasers take you outside. Loose and dangerous is how these guys play it."
Brighton Source Magazine - June 2006
"Koma Katz performed a dementedly frenetic set that had lead singer Ronnie bounding about like a bandy-legged Iggy Pop"