Painting, writing, figure drawing, playing the guitar, walking my dog, talking with my friends, parties, shopping,reading, playing video games, late nights at Stake and Shake,watching horror movies, working, drinking(although I'm a light weight),listening to music, going to concerts, watching sappy romantic movies, crying at hallmark commercials, watching adult swim, traffic court...well not really, singing in the shower, late night phone calls, tickle fights, watching hockey, listening to my lame co-workers talk about fantasy football, bowling, playing Postal 2, rollerblading, rollercoasters, photography and fucking as much as possible. ;)
Rem, KC and Jojo, Alanis, Ani, Nirvana, Nicole Blackman, Alix Olsen, Bitch and Animal, Guns n' Roses, Dope, Noise Auction, Miranda Lambert, Cyndi Thompson, Propaghandi, Bad Religion...I'll think of more.
I just saw employee of the month(awesome movie), Serendipity (close to my heart), Mulholland Drive, Dirty Dancing (both the old one and the new one), Les Chorisettes, Brokeback Mountain,the whole Hellraiser series, Seven, Kingdom of Heaven, Scarface, Titanic, Love Object, Dead End, House of a Thousand Corpses, Devil's Rejects, American History X, Higher Learning, Usual Suspects, Crash, Election, Poltergeist series, Road Trip, Euro Trip, Mysterious Skin, Chronicles of Narnia:Lion the witch and the wardrobe, History of Violence, Pirates of the Caribian,Cry Baby, Gattica, Star Wars:Ewok adventure, all of the Star Trek movies...(I'm a closet trekki), Grease, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, A Very Long Engagement, Unfaithful, Death Becomes Her,Go, Stigmata....