General interest athletic and outgoing, I am an avid football and soccer fan. I am also a dedicated Dallas Stars fan. In addition, I have a passion for music, dancing, and play both acoustic and electric guitar. Usually spend most of my time studying and researching, working out, training mind and body, video games, watching movies, and hanging out with my family. Philosophy, arts, poetry, dance, acting, music, photography, architecture, painting, physical fitness, meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence.
Well, most of the people I'd like to meet, but have not yet had the opportunity to, are, unfortunately, dead... Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, JFK, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Count Maurice Maeterlinck, Ambrose Philips, Antonio Vivaldi, and Django Reinhardt. But I always appreciate hearing from new people.
I like to listen to almost everything but far more intriguing are Classical, Jazz, Rock, Funk, Acoustic, Metal...
40 Year Old Virgin, Donnie Darko, Wedding Crashers, Double Indemnity, Garden State, Closer, The Clearing, Tarantino Films, Sin City, Oliver Stone Films, Crash, Metropolis, Elizabethtown, Frequency, Angel Eyes, Stir Of Echoes, Sphere, Family Man, I Am Sam, Requiem For A Dream, Can't Hardly Wait, The Green Mile, What Dreams May Come, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels, 3000 Miles To Graceland and many more.
My favorite author is J.R. Lankford. I also like books on mystery & crime, literature, history, religion, and self-improvement. Right now I'm reading "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.
Well, naturally, my best friend Alex Sevilla. And my friend Jimmy along with all the other troops who risk their lives to save ours.