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SWEET, The Reverend Beatman, Thee Reststop Janglers, Iron Maiden, The Velvet Underground, MDC, JC, The Stooges, Paul Revier & the Radiers, Slade, DEVO, Switchyard Stabbers, Black Chromasone, The Ramones, The Kings, Sabbath, Esquivel, The Shadows, Killdozer, The Sword, David Allen Coe, The Meatmen, Black Flag With Keith, 50 Pound Mustache, Witchcraft, The Ventures, Johnny Paycheck, Venom, Lee Hazelwood, Fang, Yea I saw GG Allin at O'Kayz!
The Mysterious Dr Hump, Papa's gone a Huntin, Street Trash, Ramrodder, Slam bang showdown, The Street People, Porkeys, Up the Creek, Sweedish Ski Girls, Viva Knivel, "The Truth About De-Evolution."
Evel VS Sonny & Cher 666
Black Magic, Hotrod, Sinners Club, Hell's Angles, In The Wind