Shy when she want to be.
Lack of confidence.
Opinionated, but never shows it.
Cares about what other people think of her,Even when she doesnt want to.
Got alot of feelings, but never shows them.
Find it hard to trust people.
Gets scared of things really easy.
Believe in the one that saves souls my saviour jesus christ.
Only live up to god no one else.
If you want to judge me go right ahead,its not helping you.
We fix our eyes on what is seen.But what is
unseen.For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is enternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18
Go after God. Whatever it takes, do it. And don't give the excuse, I am just a teenager or I'll do that when I grow up, because it doesn' work that way. God wants to know you NOW.
i found a reason for me to change who i used to be i reason to start over new and the reason is you
You mean the world to me, it might not seem like it but you do.
i enjoy all the joke's and the time we spend together.
You truely are an amzaing person, your always happy,
making joke's, there for me when i need you.
Most of the time im not there for you and im sorry for that.
Stay strong
For your one and only savour, he loves you more then you
or i could imagion.
your so beautiful.
Your an amazing wonderful person, i thank god everyday
that i met you.
Krystal-lee i love you.
♥by aylerr my love♥
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