myself in the future, you kno see who i'm gonna be & how i'm gonna turn out..cause if it aint pretty or if its bad i want to be prepared you know?? would be cool kno what would also be cool??..if i finally met someone know, like johnny depp :P..i would just love that, dont think jordan would though lol j/k........
to be honest i listen to a little bit of everything..oldies up to rock..i listen to different types of rock..classic rock,punk rock,hard rock,etc..i listen to a lil bit of rap & hip-hop..i also listen to country & some pop sometimes..i grew up appreciating all types of music...i just can stand classical or opera or anything like i'm weird yet?????
Rocky Horror Picture Show..Donnie Darko..The Labyrinth..The Dark Chrystal..Legend..Number 23..Stomp The Yard..Preminition..Just Friends..Perfect Stranger..Mr Brooks...this is just to name a few lol..i could keep goin if u want me to......
CSI:MIAMI..King Of The Hill..South Park..Law & Order:SVU..Dont Forget The Lyrics..Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader..
i like all kinds of books..yes i like to read & i aint afraid or ashamed to admit it..u dont like it, i dont
i guess i would kinda have to say me probably..cause no one can save you except yourself..theres really nobody that i want to be to like...wait i take that back there is someone..that someone is me...i want to be like me :) know why??...cause theres no one else in the world like me & i like being unique....
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