Hey hey hey, what's goin on peoples? My name's Ryne, I'm 20 years old. Currently a student at Roane State majoring in Physical Therapy. There's alot to know about me especially lately. I've had quite a bit going on already this year which I hope ends soon. I consider myself a pretty laid back person, I like to think my head is on pretty straight. I have the best family anyone could possibly have, the bestest, most beautiful girlfriend in the world and that's a fact! I have quite a few pet peeves that drive me absolutely nuts and that's LIARS and people who lack COMMON SENSE. They're worthless! Oh and people who don't know how to fucking drive. A good time to me is really just hanging out with the friends whether it's partying it up or just watching a movie. Doesn't take much to satisfy. I'm supposively a pretty picky eater and that's because I don't like salad and pretty much any kind of condiment. Love sports, love alcohol, love to have a good time. If you haven't partied with me, I suggest you do it! Peace!
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