video games, friends, my kitten selphie, love, laughing, family, books, art, music, new phones, old phones, writing in the rain, rain in general, good tea, good food, soft comforters, soft anything, gum, movies, instruments, talking in a british accent, coats, bras that fit, clean socks, clean underwear, old pictures, drinking too much with friends (if i did it alone i would be an alcoholic), sleeping in, my laptop shiva, popping my toes and fingers, being an rpg snob, being a fps snob, nice people, kind acts, saving the environment, saving animals, new toothbrushes, getting a haircut, warm gloves, foreign accents, girls in high heels and skirts, nice eyes, the occasional deep discussion, jumping into pools from rooftops, tag-team vomiting, wine, whiskey, playing games with kids so i can feel young again, hugs, good kisses, firm handshakes, open minded blokes, flowers, trees, crying when you need to and life in general when it isn't being a bitch to me.
I felt you feel me... you trickster.
I saw you watching me... you hunter.
I heard you laugh with me... you joker.
I feel you breath with me... you sucker.
I felt you wrestle with me... you tamer.So let me feel you... my lover.
How to make a Gypsy
5 parts success
3 parts humour
1 part
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, David Bowie, Radiohead, Queen, Snow Patrol, Postal Service, U2 (old U2 not new), Nine Inch Nails, Coldplay, Rolling Stones, Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz, Tori Amos, DMB, The Who, The Doors, Electric Six, Juno Reactor, Chemical Brothers, Portishead, Blur, Prodigy... lots and lots more
Spirited Away, The Wall, Jacob's Ladder, 300 and more...
24, Simpson's, Arrested Developement, Fraiser, Rome, Deadwood, Scrubs, Colbert Report, Daily Show, King of the Hill, Aqua Teen Hunger Force...
Coraline, Neverwhere, Stranger in a Strange Land