No-rul3z profile picture


About Me

I'm quite friendly... wit sEnse of humOur... i likE to makE peOple laugH... n i gEt sEweL sumtimEs... it's easy fOr mE to mix wit anyOne... but theRe are timEs when i nEed to bE alonE... i'm opEn-mindEd.... unprEdictabLe.... egOistiC but manjE... heh n i'm a gUd frEn maybE... bUt i dOn truSt people eaSily... i'm a siMple gurL actually.... waNna mEet me?? *wink*

My Interests

mOviEs... shOpping... muSic... hanging out wit frEnz... cHocoLate... sUmthin' cHallenging.... sEeing nEw pEeps... sexy stuff... having fUn... partiEs!!!

I'd like to meet:

muh baBy boY eMm3t... uhuh~ .... buck n ibal.... muh luvly cOusin feEra... n da rEst who'd like to bE muh veRy beSt fwEnz..."3mm3t*" *haNna~!


R&B... hip-hOp... erm anything dat can gEt thrOugh ma hEad... hOobaStank - the rEasOn....


pEaRL harBor... LOTR... haRry pOrter... trOy... bad bOys II... 2faSt 2fuRiouS... 2 wEeks nOticE.... serEndipiTy n a lot mOre...


bOokS?? a waLk tO rEmemBer... maGazinEs.... erm anything fUn...


jOsh hartnEtt... eMm3t... *wink*