Name: Chris Houck
2001 - Now: 2D/3D Animator, Musician, Multimedia Developer
1994 - 2001: NOTHINGFACE - Drummer/Songwriter
Drumming, Writing music, playing tons o' Video Games, Hacking things and general deconstruction, 3D Animation, Drawing, Movies, Computers - building them and destroying them, breathing in the crisp mountain air
John Bonham
Anybody who's making music for the right reasons...for the music...not the other crap.
V for Vendetta, Grizzly Man, Seven, High Tension, Devil's Rejects, Fight Club, The Game, Natural Born Killers, Garden State, Star Wars, Pay it Forward, the Life of David Gale, The Usual Suspects, The Shawshank Redemption, A Simple Plan, Chappelle's Show, also anything that's 3D animated.
Kenny vs. Spenny, National Geographic, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel, LOST
Anything with pictures
My Grandparents