Dave P profile picture

Dave P

Maybe I should hate you for this!

About Me

Whats up everyone, I'm Dave FUCK'N P.! I have by far the coolest family in the world! My twin sister Amy means the world to me, Mattie P mess'n around a lil much but he's still the coolest brother ever! My ma and pa are golf fanatics! I enjoy go'n to other college and universities to show off my amazing beer pong and soccer skills! I've been playing soccer since 85 and prolly will never put it down! I love to party with friends and I'm down for just about anything! Swic is the place to be for me, so if you wanna meet a studly swic fella send me one. And if you wanna party... Definatly send one
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? The real question is what does non- alcoholic mean?
Color ? Blue
Food ? Italian
Item of clothing ? Clothing is for suckers, but i guess Jeans
Meal of the day ? Breakfast
Feature on yourself ? Legs
Quality in a guy/girl ? I will wed a girl just for her eyes!
Phrase ? Word
Song ? Banana Pancakes
Musical Artist/Band ? Jack, Dave, or Break'n Benny
Sport ? Futball
Movie ? Anything with Adam Sandler
TV Show ? Sportscenter
Radio Station ? The point
Type of Chocolate ? They call me white chocolate
Eye Color ? Green or blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Yea... But Bandit is dieing as we speek
Have any piercings ? Nope
Have any tatoos ? Nope
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Never Have Never Will
Gone skinny dipping ? Damn skippy
Been to Europe ? I wish
Been to an island ? Manhatten
Had stitches ? Yea
Broken any bones ? Yea
Been stabbed/shot ? Yea- Accidental Stabbing by fuck tard brother!
Slept until after 12:00 ? In the afternoon or mourning- Either way.. yea
Stayed up all night ? Prolly did a few nights ago
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Havn't been that lucky
Turned down a dare ? Never
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Mr. Arnold
Is the prettiest ? Its close call between 2- But because of perfection Ashley Herzog takes the trophy
Is the most handsom ? I'm not gay
Is the craziest ? My Sister
Is the most shy ? Slope- Especially around girls
Is the most loving ? Slope by far
Is the most understanding ? Ryan
Is the most boring ? Its fun around me no matter who is around
Is the most athletic ? Knowlton
Is the most cocky ? 4 Nay
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Johny A!
Do you look up to the most ? Wehmeyer
Do you tell everything to ? Wehmeyer,Slope, 4 Nay, Johnny A
Has the best clothes ? Johnny A
Has the best house ? Wehmeyer
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Damn strait
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Look up 14 Lines!
Cheat on someone you love ? I was raised better than that!
Run away from home ? Tried when i was 4, I was back in an hour and a half
Lie to your parents ? I dont exactly call it lying
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Depends on situation
Lie to your best friend ? Depends on the situation
Give a homeless person money ? Done it
Run from the police ? Done it
Bungee jump ? Done it
Sky dive ? Nope
Cross dress ? Done it
Be an exotic dancer ? Done it
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? Nope
Scuba dive ? yea
Go rock climbing ? definatly
Go spulunking (caving) ? with a girl
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? He was cooler when he was pissed off
Bologna ? Mannie Fresh
Hott ? Jessica Prather
Orange ? Gators baby
Real world ? I never have liked that show
Jack ? Johnson is the shit
Cucumber ? I'm a perve
Hip-Hop ? Nick Cannons Wild'n Out
Uniform ? Holy Childhood
UniCORN ! ? Chong
Rainbow ? Care Bears
Clown ? It

My Interests

Drinking alcoholic beverages, music (just about anything), soccer.... and my very special skill..... drinking alcoholic beverages!

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What type of kisser are you?

Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.

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How Gamekiller proof are you? Quiz

It looks like you have the tools to withstand all major Gamekiller threats. More often than not, you fend them off naturally and get the girl. But don’t let this get to your head – you’re still pretty weak. You let your guard down too much, letting The Gamekillers get the best of you. Take this lesson to heart: when you’re macking on a girl, don’t worry about those fools lurking next to you. Keep your eye on the prize and focus on the girl. Once you get a lock on your cool in any situation, you’ll be throwing game like you invented the game. You’re almost there…

Click here to take this quiz!


I'm a mellow guy.. so i Like music that i can just chill to like Dave Matthews and good ole jack johnson, Taking back sunday, The peppers, Cohead, Story of the year, Breaking Benny, Shindown, Stained, MCR, Rap is not crap it gives me something to dance to when i'm drunk! And of course The Star Spangled Banner!


If its gonna make me laugh i'll watch it and most likely if u think its scary, I will too cause i'm a big nancy, but i'll still watch a scary one if you ask me to.


I watch alot of music videos but for the most part i'm pretty athletic so I follow alot of sports on ESPN.


I hope they serve beer in hell- Tucker Max For Cards Fans Only- Rich Wolfe I Am America, And So Can You- Steven Colbert Mens Health
