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Tell the world who you are survey (160+ questions)
Name: joshua cho miller
Nick Name(s): cho.. choshi.. chachi..
Birthday: june 7
Age: 17
Age you wish you were: 18
Gender: hold on lemme check.... i believe its male
Birthplace: philly
Current Location: m-town thass how we keep it down
Eye Color: brown
Haircolor: black
Height: 5'5"
Righty/Left?Ambidextrous: left
Sexuality: straight
What grade are you in: SENIOR!!! BIATCH
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Do You
Smoke: try not to
Swear: fuck yes
Sing: try to
Drink: no occasions
Want to go to College: yes
Want to get Married: eventually
Belive in yourself: of course
Think you are Attractive: im one hot motherfucker dammit.. lol jk
Get along with your parents: yep
Like thunderstorms: yep
Play an instrument: hell no, im too stupid
If yes, what one(s): i said no
Consider yourself tolerant of others: i guess
Trust others easily: depends on the situation
Whad do you like most about your body: my 17th eyelash from the right
Least: the 16th one
Are you a health freak: hell no
Your heritage: korean american
Food: kimchi
Place to eat: my house
Person: the ladies~~
Drink: boba
Music Genre: rock, and country mostly
Color: green
TV Show: CSI
Sexual Fantaasy: "backseat, windows up.." luda knows best
Turn on: i like that extra cushion~ HA yeah right
Season: summer
Weather: not rainy
Late night activity: party~~!
Animal: clue
Have you ever
Had sex: i've never even kissed a girl
Drank alcohol: water? yes
Thought about committing suicide: do i look emo to you??
Cut yourself, on purpose: not crazy
Had surgery: nope
Been out of the country: yep
Played strip poker: yep
Want to (again): maybe
Slept with someone of the opp sex, that isn't related to you, wo having sex: i think so..
Kissed the same sex: DO I LOOK GAY?!?!
Dated the same sex: no!
Done anything sexual with the same sex: hell no! wtf?!
Been betrayed: couple times
Killed an animal on accident: yep
On purpose: yep
Been on Radio/TV: negative
Danced in the rain: i dont remember
Had a reoccurring dream: yep
If is; do describe: id rather not
Have you colored your hair: yes
Have any tattoos: yes
If yes; where: upperback
Cook: yes
Talk to yourself: sometimes, iss actually quite fun
Have actual conversations with yourself: not crazy!!
Sleep walk: nope
Snore: i dont think so.. i cant hear myself when im sleeping
Name one thing you're obsessed with: eyes
Fall sleep better with the TV/Radio on: yes
Take walks in the rain: uh.. no..
Do you wish it were more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a boy out: i dont really care
In the past month
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: yes
Been on drugs: no
Gone on a date: no
Eaton an entire box of Oreos yourself: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skinny dipping: nope
(ever gone skinny dipping): no
Stolen Anything: nope
Been called a tease: nope
Regret something you did: yep
Regret something you didn't do: yep
Soda or Coffee: soda
Coffee or Cappuccino: cappuccino
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Briefs/Pantis or Boxers(on yourself): boxers
Spandex or Shorts(on yourself): on me = shorts, on females = spandex
Skateboarding or Blading: skateboarding
Taken or Single(currently): single
Windows or Macintosh or Unix(Linux): windows
Loner or Group(on average preferred): group
Passive or Aggressive: ummm these questions make me feel stupid
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
In a Boy/Girl...
Favorite Eye Color: blue
Favorite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long hair: long
height: shorter than me
Body Type: not fat
Best clothing style: i dunno.. i like tight jeans ;)
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: 1
Glasses: yes
Party hopper or more stay at home: party hopper
Currently have a crush: no
If yes; what's their name: Shaneekqua
Do you dream about your crush: umm i dont think i dream at all
What do you find most remantic: i really dont think about that shit
Do you consider your significant other hot: i dont have a significant other
Who pays: me
Holding hands is: ok
Do you like watching the sunrise/set with you sig other: HA.. are u kidding?
Had a stalker: no
Are YOU the stalker: no
Miss someone right now: YES!!!
Biggest turn off: bitches
Should they be willing to give you a back rub at almost any time: yes! dammit
Would they play with your hair: that feels nice :)
Do you like kissing: sure
Do you only kiss one person on the lips: i never even kissed a girl
If so who: nobody
Do you prefer tongue or no tongue: idk never experienced that shizznit
Where is the best place to be kissed on your body: never been kissed for the 17th time
Worst place: DAMMIT!!
Last person who
Turned you on: too many to remember them all
Made you laugh: my sister
Laughed at your joke(s): my sister
Made you cry: i dont remember
Brightened your day: i dunno
You saw a movie with: i dont remember
What makes you cry your heart out: monkeys dying in the rainforests *sniffle* HAHAHAH
Do tears make eyes look pretty: ROFL
What do you do when you're angry: throw shit
What makes you happy: the ladies!
What/who makes you smile uncontrollably: i can control myself
Who cheers you up more than anyone else: i dunno
Your weakness: boba
Your biggest fear: Spit.. Grosses me the FUCK out
Your perfect pizza: bacon & ham
Goal you would like to achieve this year: drink an 18pack by myself
Your most overused phrase/word on an instant messenger: wassup
Thoughts first waking up: fuck i gotta get up
Your bedtime: 10:30
Your most missed memory: naptimes in kindergarten
Have any pets: yessir
Who's the person you talk to the most online: my cousin
Who are you on the phone most with: the lady friend
Who do you trust the most: jimmy
Who listens to your problems most: whoever
Who do you fight with the most: my sister
Name someone's arems you feel safest in: LMAO
And Finally
Was this quiz pointless or did it allow you to tell everyone more about you: whatever
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