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About Me

What's Your Political Philosophy?
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You scored as Socially Conservative Republican

Social conservatives share a belief in traditional morality and social mores and the desire to preserve these in present day society, often through civil law or regulation. The government should use its influence in the public square to support traditional family values.

Socially Conservative Republican


Foreign Policy Hawk


Pro Business Republican




New Democrat


Old School Democrat




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My Interests

Basketball--running--sci-fi--guns--PC games(Notably Delta-Force..Black Hawk Down)--Natosquad--football--military--science--astronomy--be er--tennis--UFC--weight-training--politics--guitar--bass--ba njo--mandolin--cats--dogs

I'd like to meet:

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Rush--Iron Maiden--Abba--Merle Haggard--Slayer--Obituary--Parliament--Cannibal Corpse--Buck Owens--Waylon Jennings--Led Zeppelin--Boston--Tool--Bill Monroe--Allison Kraus--Lynard Skynard--Hank Williams--Queensryche--Megadeth--Metallica--Alabama--Jimi Hendrix--Uriah Heep--Van Halen--Jimmy Martin--Rhonda Vincent--Del McCoury--Sepultura--Ralph Stanley...and many more.


Star Trek--Star Wars--Lord of the Rings--X-Men--Red Dawn--Planet of the Apes--Starship Troopers--Independence Day--The Patriot--Terminator--


Star Trek(Deep Space 9,Voyager,Enterprise,The Next Generation--The Original Series)Babylon-5--Battlestar Galactica--Farscape--Stargate--Stargate Atlantis--Smallville--X-Files--General Hospital--History Channel--Military Channel--Science Channel--Discovery Channel--Travel Channel--Aquateen Hungerforce--Family Guy--


Your results:
You are Chekov Chekov 100% Will Riker 75% Worf 70% James T. Kirk (Captain) 60% Mr. Scott 50% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 45% Jean-Luc Picard 45% Beverly Crusher 40% Uhura 30% Mr. Sulu 30% Geordi LaForge 30% Deanna Troi 30% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 30% Spock 25% Data 23% Brash, rash and hasty,
but everyone loves you.
Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test
Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?

Dynamite in a small package, and long-lasting, like the Energizer bunny. While you are wise and calm, you are able to call on your killer instincts and be kick-ass. Some may call you a ‘sleeper’. With such great power comes some arrogance, but you are quick to return to humility and fix your mistakes. You have certainly left your mark on the world, in good and bad ways, and it was kinda sad to see you go. But no need to worry, you have gained immortality even though you can’t wield your toothpick of a lightsabre anymore.

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What Stargate SG-1 Character Are You?
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You scored as Teal'c

General Hammond




Sam Carter


Jonas Quinn


Janet Fraiser


Jack O'Neill


Daniel Jackson


My Blog

Wow..I was so right!

Well,after all my blogs, I came across this on the Yahoo homepage at the top..seems my theory was right..and I do need to change my is the article..I just copied and pasted: Are you a nice ...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:31:00 PST

He who cares least..wins.

He who cares least..wins.A friend told me that a while back..and it just recently has really registered within my mind.The term sounds so cold and callous..but in many instances,I do believe it t...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:08:00 PST

Ranting..raving..and other odds and ends.

I haven’t blogged in a while..just hadn’t gotten around to it.But after what I heard today,I had to.Once again, one of our beloved WV Senators have shown their ass for the whole country an...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:41:00 PST


It's amazing the nerve that Hillary and Obama have.Only weeks after arguing in New Hampshire about who is the most ardent supporter of baby-killing,I turn on the news and see each of them speaking fro...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:08:00 PST

What a beautiful day!

Wow..this weather is amazing.It was probably hovering around 10 or 20 degrees a week ago..and now it is 63 as I type!Got up to exercise this I always do before work..and before I took off ...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 12:09:00 PST

My dream...

I had one of my more memorable dreams earlier this week..and thought I would share.Most of the time I forget my dreams after a few hours..but not this one.Now some of the locations I will mention will...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 09:08:00 PST

Band review...Convertible Blondes!

I have been around alot of music in my time..having played in several bands from bluegrass to metal..and in dozens of clubs all over the place.Im no music expert per what I saw last nite ...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:43:00 PST

Im gonna fuss a little!

Oh my..I just love the first of the month!It's check day(s)..and myself and the other people that work get to make life easy for the lazy-asses that dont.Welfare was started as a noble help ...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 04:43:00 PST

Sure signs of my impending insanity..

For those of you that know me in person,you more than likely have never heard me sing.I can only breathe through one nostril(deviated septum..little inherited ray of sunshine in my life!) I think ...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:52:00 PST

The Rush concert!

My friends,I achieved one of the goals I had set for myself in life this past weekend:I saw Rush in concert! It was absolutely amazing...the sound..the energy in the air that you could feel...was awes...
Posted by Cox(R-WV) on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:59:00 PST