AG BeatzZ was born in 1989 in Gjilan (Kosova).
He is considered a young hip-hop artist, recognized
for his original lyrics and innovatile style in Albanian,
Dutch and English Hip Hop. His music is becoming
increasingly popular and he is winning the hearts
op people in America, Belgium and Albania...AG has performed his popular songs on the radio,
in theatres, dancehalls and private party's.
With his talent AG BeatzZ captured the attention
and respect of established musicians in Belgium.
He is a now working together with some famous DJ's around the globe
on an album that is going to be out very soon."I use my music to amuse young people today!"
One love for aLL! <3-------------------------------------------------------
Diqka nga biografia jeme, jam i lindur me 28 qershor 1989 ne Gjilan,
per momentin jetoj ne qendren e Evropes, ne Belgjike.
Hapat e pare ne muzike i kam marre qysh nga viti 2002 ku isha antare
i grupit rinor "Future Step" Aty me hyri ne gjak hiphopi dhe vendosa
te vahzdoje ne kete rruge. Deri tash kam pas shume
bashkpunime qe ja vlejne te permenden te gjitha,
por do ta veqoja kangen e realizuar kete vere
MOVE IT me videoklip te realizuar nga Pulla Pictures. Kjo kenge do te publikohet se shpejti ne te gjitha mediat shqiptare. Momentalisht jam duke punuar drej albumit te pare
ku do te kete sene t'reja.. Ma shum skisha dasht mu hap,
just wait and see :p
Dashni per kejt ata qe kan dashni per mu!1 Love <3
AG Beatzz
Myspace Editor
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