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The road to Hell is paved with adverbs.

About Me

Episode 20Ain't this a kick? Hard to believe that's really me, or a least that it once was me - hell, that was a long time ago. And if I do say so myself, I was a pretty good looking fella. The boys all bought a copy of the rag and pasted me up on the bunkhouse wall. Sanjay says the foreman got a copy too. How about that? The old buzzard has a soft spot for the cowgirl!So Tomlinson was the one who found it. He's the only one of the boys who knew me way back then. We were in the Navy together, and yes I do mean "together." He came riding into town, hootin' and hollerin', waving that stupid tabloid over his head. "Dusty girl, you made some ink!" Funny thing is, I've got Yorkie to thank for it. This is actually his idea of revenge.You see, he's hooked up downtown with the mayor and all (you know that - you read the papers.) Near as we can all figure, he figured this would put me out of business. Well shit, since this picture hit the stands it's all I can do to keep up with demand. I had to get me one of them day-planner things with the removable pages just to keep all my new clients straight (no pun intended.) I guess those boys like the old me as much as the new.Yessir, I'll say it again. I was a pretty good looking fella.
Episode 19Well the dust has settled, the wounds are bandaged, the smoke has cleared, and I'm still standing. I gotta hand it to Yorkie, he came out with his guns blazing and never looked back. I like to think he learned that from me, but honestly I don't think he ever really learned anything. If he had, there would have been no need for a showdown.
As always my boys came through for me. On risk of re-incarceration, they hogtied the foreman and walked off the ranch. Pitocki tipped them off that I was having trouble, and he lead the charge. You shoulda seen the look on Yorkie's face when the boys showed up. Jasper got to him first. Then Hans, then Sanjay, then Pitocki, then Tomlinson. Not much left for Brendan, but he got the honor of applying the brand. That's how they left him: face in the dust, pants down, the "VC3" brand burned deep into his right cheek.Been kinda quiet since then, but I'm not complaining. The boys went back to the ranch, untied the foreman, and somehow talked him out of sending them all up the river. I'm guessing Pitocki had a hand in it. So all's quiet on the ranch, and business is good here in town.
The air smells so much nicer now.
Episode 18It's on - Yorkie's on the move. He got wind of me operating close to his territory and I guess he figures to broaden his boundaries. I've spotted a couple of his thugs hovering around, sounding me out. They're taking it slow; don't forget, they know my reputation all to well. Enough of them can take me down, but those up front will pay dearly for the honor. Seems like none of them want to be the first in line.If my guys were around, it'd be different. Tomlinson looks for it. He just loves an opportunity to prove his love for me. And the crying thing really freaks people out. He'll wade into a fight, tears streaming down his cheeks, landing every blow harder than hell. Hans and Jasper fight dirty - they learned in San Quentin. But Sanjay is the real threat. He goes fucking nuts and he just can't stop. You never know what he's got in his pocket until it's too late. Yeah, if they were around it'd be different. As it stands, I've gotta use my feminine wiles. And maybe Jasper's razor.Let you in on a little known fact: In 1984 I held the 5th Amphibious Squadron's Super-Middleweight title. Would have taken the Seventh Fleet title if it hadn't been for a jarhead pretty-boy from the Constellation. He sucker-punched me when I was admiring his tattoos. TKO in the fifth, but it was worth it.Don't kid yourself, I've still got it. I'm a Light-Heavyweight now, and as quick as ever. Hear that boys? How'd you like to get your ass handed to you by someone like me?These shoes ain't made for running.
Episode 17Nobody ever said it was easy, least nobody I ever heard. And I sure as hell never said it. Am I complaining? Maybe so. Sometimes my life feels like a comic book. The bright colors blur against acidic yellow newsprint, and the heroes and villains play exaggerated roles in an ever-changing field of battle. I stand at the center of a swirling universe, surrounded by forces I can sometimes influence but never control. Sometimes I get dizzy.I really miss my boys. Funny how that works, seeing as how I have all the company a girl could want. But the boys are different. We've been through it all together - lockdown, shakedown, runaround, not to mention the ever-changing whims of the Foreman. Tomlinson got away for a night and came to see me. We had a few hours together and he told me all about it. Foreman's standing on Hans and Sanjay - nobody knows why. One phone call and they're back in the joint, so they're stuck in a bad situation. Of course, they'll never let that happen. They'll go through the fence to Pitocki's place and get away clean before he knows they're gone. Out of the frying pan, as they say.Tomlinson inspires me to a new philosophy. Actually, it's an old philosophy I heard back in boot camp:No Guts, No Glory.Dusty Taylor, over and out.
Episode 16I'm really starting to like this neighborhood. Those of you who know me know of my fondness for bright colors. I just seem to gravitate towards colorful neighborhoods, and this one is one is a color riot. Seems every place is some kind of a restaurant or market. I sure as hell ain't gonna starve around here.Thing is, I know I'm close to Yorkie's territory. His girls (and boys) work just through the old railway tunnel. I haven't seen hide nor hair of his thugs, which is good since my boys are all stuck back on the ranch. Tomlinson tells me the Foreman got over his pneumonia and came out of his shack for the first time in six weeks. He's a tough old buzzard, paroled out of San Quentin after twenty-six years. We all figured he wasn't gonna come out of his shack ever again, but he did and he's meaner than ever.I sure do miss my boys sometimes. I hear Jasper's back in Soledad again. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I never thought about going back inside. Ironic, ain't it? Here I am in this great neighborhood, good food, lots of business, not a cop in sight, and I'm thinking of how nice it would be to get back to the joint.I bask in the ridiculous ironies of my life.
Episode 15Funny how things work out. I ran into an old lover the other day and suddenly a lost chapter of my life is happening all over again. We met in Surabaya when I was in the Navy. He was a colonel in the Soviet Air Force, and we just hit it off. He borrowed a helicopter and stole me away to Irianjaya for the weekend. After hours of wild sex on the beach, the local cannibals were so impressed they made us honorary headhunters. It was a whirlwind of romantic passion.Now, years later, I run into him on the street, right here in this City With No Name. He's still a colonel, even if he's not Soviet anymore, and he's traded his Hind helicopter for a Soyuz orbiter. We got to talking, and now it's just like no time has passed. He's taken me flying again, and this time the view is incredible.I never would have though it possible. The Soyuz TMA is a nifty little three seater, tight and cozy. Sex in zero gravity is difficult, but well worth the extra effort required. The boys are giving me the grand tour, and I'm doing my best to reciprocate.It certainly is a small world. You can take my word for it.
Episode 14Some people tell me I have a philosophical side. I guess anyone in my position would, it just burns me that it shows. I try to keep off the heavier subjects while my clients enjoy their cigarettes, but occasionally politics, economics, or sociology creeps into the conversation. I can't help it; I mean I've got lots of time to think about things, and only a few minutes to chat with folks while they get their pants zipped up. I get plenty of stimulation in my nether regions, you can't blame me for wanting a little between the ears.Anyway, business is brisk in this new neighborhood. Seems I've got a monopoly, and I'm enough of a novelty to attract considerable attention. I've set up a 403b and ask clients to match my contributions for the fancy stuff. I like to defer my tax burden and stay diversified in my portfolios. If you're so inclined, you might do well to consider the metals market these days.
Shit, there I go again. Oh well, I never said I was a dumb as I look. A hundred bucks an hour to shut me up. For a hundred and fifty I'll scream your name over and over and over again.Any name you want.
Episode 13About time the weather got better around here. Not that it affects business - far from it. In fact I do very well on a cold, dreary morning. I just like the feel of sunshine on my skin.The boys are back on the ranch again, so I'm on my own for a while. And seeing as how I'm working closer Yorkie's territory, well let's just say I'm keeping my eyes open. I like this new neighborhood and I'll fight to keep it. I just don't want it to come to that. I'm a lover, not a fighter.Ask anyone.
Episode 12That's right - I'm taking the day off for a change. You didn't really think I just worked all the time did you? Hell, life's too short. Besides, I gotta keep in shape. Not to get crazy about it, since I find most of the boys like a little extra padding here and there, but just to keep everything where I want it.Tomlinson bought me the bike. He swears he paid for it and I believe him. Petty theft just isn't his bag. Once he took money out of my purse in the middle of the night and left me an IOU taped to a roll of life savers. He's paid me back ten times over, but I still keep the note. Yeah, I know, I'm sentimental. But it's like I said - life's too short.
Episode 11Above ground again. Yorkie's thugs are still on the prowl, so I'm keeping clear. Out here in the warehouse district it's not so bad. The air is better, the sun is hotter, and there's less competition. Of course, all the big money is downtown, but I'm trying to stay off the radar. Sure, I could make a move, get my guys involved, move in on Yorkie's territory. Thing is, he's protected. Yorkie has the mayor's dick in his back pocket.
All I want is a decent corner with a liquor store and a pay-phone. Bottle of wine and a cheap hotel for Saturday night.
Episode 10I'm underground again. One of the local girls got pushy so I took a cut at her. I figured if they want to push me, then my reputation needs work. Jasper's razor, and my ability to use it, is now public knowlege. Thing is, she's one of Yorkie's. Seems like they all are. Anyway, she's got a roll of gauze on her face and I've got a pack of thugs looking for me.
Ain't the first time and it won't be the last.
Episode 9Setting up shop in a new neighborhood. It's almost in the suburbs, but still has enough traffic to be profitable. Working the suburbs can be a goldmine, but it's all marketing. I hate that shit. Gimme a spot on a well-chosen street and I'll make my nut every time.
Locals seem to take me in stride. There's a corner market where they look the other way if I hork an apple. I appreciate the gesture, so I don't abuse the privelege. We all gotta live in the same world after all.
Episode 8God, it's beautiful here. I wish you could smell the air. The steam from the power-plant condenses on everything like a layer of dew. Tires piled up by the waterfront smell like the corner gas station where we used to go for bubblegum. Seagulls howl over fish-heads; hammering from the boatyard seems so lonely in the solitude of the morning; beer tastes so much better in the brackish air.
In the dead-end street a layer of multicolor bottle caps sparkles in the rising sun. You'd have to see it.
Episode 7The boys are in town. Tomlinson says the foreman is sick and won't come out of his shack, so they all decided to take the day off. Jasper is gone again, but he always turns up sooner or later. Hans and Sanjay seem to be in good spirits, which I take as a good sign.
Tomlinson tells me that Pitocki is asking around for me. They're not saying anything, but he's pretty smart. He's going to find me sooner or later. Who knows, maybe it'll be for the best.
Anyway, the boys needed a break, and I needed the money. Of course, we're all friends so I give them a group rate.
Episode 6I haven't thought about the ranch in months. For a while I really missed it, just like I always miss the joint when they kick me out. You know, you get used to a routine and it eventually becomes a ritual. I guess that's it; I miss the ritual. I sure don't miss the chow.But this town has turned out to be better than I would have dreamed. The cops seem to have lost interest in me, and leave me to my devices. And as long as I keep clear of Yorkie's territory, nobody tries to organize me. It doesn't get much better than that.And the food here is fucking incredible.
Episode 5I saw a headline on a newspaper that they've outlawed trans-fat in New York. I dunno, but that seems kinda reactionary to me. I mean, with all the understanding that's starting to break out here and there about us queers, it seems kinda like a step backwards. Just because I'm trans doesn't mean I'm fat, and if I got a little fat it sure ain't hurt my business none. Hell, lots of guys seem to like a little extra padding in the right places.I asked a customer who looked like the intellectual type and he told me trans-fat is carcenogenic. I asked what that is and he says, "it causes cancer."Well hell. My trans-fat ain't all that fat even at its fattest. It's a side effect of the hormones I take. And if I ever gave someone cancer, they sure had a smile on their face afterwards.I think it's all bullshit.
Episode 4Don't kid yourself, it's a hard life. I meet these kids, want to make it to the Big Time, and they seem to think you can get there from here. I don't even know what the Big Time is, much less how to get there. They think it's all about glamor, fortune, and fame. Well I guess it is, but only in a very small way. And it's a dead-end road on a one-way street. Like I said, you can't get there from here.I'm not complaining though. My life is not for the weak or squeamish, but it's my life and you can't have it. Amid the multitudes of walking corpses, I am so fucking alive it feels like a dream: a glorious technicolor dream of love, hope, lust, and desire.And they pay me for it.
Episode 3Sure, I've been burned, but then who hasn't? I have a lot of men in my life. I have a lot of women in my life too, since we're on the subject. Why should I discriminate? Yeah, I've got my preferences same as anyone else, but I don't let them get in the way of commerce.Pitocki was the only one to get to me that way. Just like Catwoman was the only one to get to Batman, only in reverse. Sometimes a person can have an emotional whammy on someone else, and once they're aware of it they can exploit it. Of course, with Pitocki it goes both ways.Mutual exploitation is like breaking windows on Rodeo Drive; amid broken glass and burglar alarms you can pick up some fabulous loot - until the cops get there.And then the fun really begins.
Episode 2Once again, I'm out. They never keep me in for long. It was my first gig in Calipatria - a sunny retreat in the California desert. They've tried me everywhere but it's always the same. They throw me in with the general population and suddenly I'm doing more business than when I was on the street. So they put me in lockdown and then I work the guards. They're better paid so I make more, but they tend to get rough. You see, they have an image to protect. And one thing I can tell you for certain: each and every last guard in the California system truly believes in his heart, that he is not queer.
Far be it from me to bust anyone's bubble, but I've got twenty bucks and a black eye that say otherwise. Souvenir of Calipatria State Prison.

My Interests

Mechanisms of Imagination
A Day at the Beach

I'd like to meet:

Episode 1They won't let me work on the ranch anymore. It's not fair - I'm as good a cattle hand as any of the men. The foreman is jealous, that's all. He says I create a disturbance. The cattle don't mind, and neither do the men. One time Jasper and Hans got into a fight over me, but we all kissed and made up.
Of course, Pitocki's another story. Ever since the fence went down he's become possessive of me. His cattle run in and breed with ours. Our Black Angus, his Polled Hereford, now we've got Black And White Face calves on both sides of the fence that isn't there anymore. The foreman is pissed.
Jasper left his wife to take me away to Alaska. I told him I'd think about it. Brendan got drunk and told the foreman how I'd given it up out behind the chutes. Tomlinson keeps shoplifting cosmetics in town and trying to get me to show him how to make himself up. I guess I can see the foreman's side of it, but I still want my job back.
Pitocki says he loves the color of my lips against the golden hayfields.


I Love Angus
I Love Pet Shop Boys
I Love Bowie
I Love Brian Ferry
I REALLY Love Bootsy!

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Posted by SOYUZ on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:09:00 PST