The Early Years...
I started my infamous career sailing the seas as an renown pirate and gentleman of fortune, moonshine and wenches for myself and my crew were the order of the day. I soon left this life though as the industry became too mainstream and fake. I later got drafted into 'nam but I don't like talking about that... we lost a lot of good men out there.
The Present...
I'm currently at Nottingham Trent University teaching people across the nation how to be a scummy brummy and joining the scummy brummy Reading '07 crusades, but I'm not alone though i have Kevin Fox to help me out when he's not engaged with Danny and his saucy livestock. I'm also trying to elevate myself to a divine level by founding The Church of Dean (worshipers welcome) the only sin is not having fun, with enough followers it'll be an established religion you may even get a mention in my bible. I'm also a superhero known only as Luck Burger, wherever there is danger I'll save the day by using my powers of extreme luck to win, but that's just between me and you...
The Future...
Once the winds of time take me away from Nottingham I'll to open up my very own chain of night clubs, Dean's Boom Boom Room (job vacancies available) it'll be the greatest place on earth and if you're lucky I'll try and get you in VIP. Failing that I guess I'll just bum around, have a top laugh with my mates, drink and doss about like a truly dirty Dean until I inevitably get rich quick some other way, the Luck Burger has spoken.