im ian im studying global poltics and international relations at nottingham trent university, by accident though they put global politics and IR on the prospectus and being a bit dim i thought it stood for International Rescue. I spend most of my time at uni cling filming toilets and sewing up peoples underpants and stuff like that. i play the triangle although not got any grades with it and im thinking of moving onto the electric triangle but its kinda dependant on me going and buying batterys and erm a new triangle.
not sure what i want to do when i leave uni but here are some things ill prolly try and do at some point
lion tamer,
zoo keeper,
bounty hunter,
whisky tester for jack daniels,
and working in the andrex factory or wherever it was on that advert where they just jumped into piles of loo paper all day, that looked ace :D
can't think of any more at the moment but ill add to this when i remember more and to put them on
i also like they rule :D