Acting, acting like a can play music, and trying to act cool.murderingsealions.Kate Lakey, best friend extraordinaire. #1!
Paris Hilton.these two wierdos.
Songs about you, songs about me, and songs about sodomy.
What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by
My favorite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Shaun of the Dead, Harry Potter (all of them), Fear and loathing, Road House, Brave Heart, Thank you for smoking, HAIR, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Pulp fiction, Napolean over done Dynamite, Evil Dead one and two, Army of Darkness, Dawn of the Dead, Snatch, Fight Club, Princess bride, The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic...
You are from Yellow Submarine. Trippy, spaced-out,
artistic and fun to be around.
Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
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South Park. Boondocks. Venture bros. Passport to europe with samantha brown. King of the hill. Simpsons. Mr. show. Comedy central from 10 to 11, weekdays. State of the union adresses. Man v. Wild. Stella. And clip shows.
Da vinci Code. The hitchikers guide to the galaxy. A brave new world. Choke. Glenngarry glenn ross. Buried child. A light in the attic. Love, sex, and the i.r.s. The day they shot john lennon.
Jim Carrey, Steve Perry, and Mother Mary