Formed in the Summer of 2003 VladamiR is anything but conventional, they have a sound that appeals to all music lovers. From hip-hop, rap, punk, rock, jam, and an aggressive sound, theres something for everyone. Go ahead listen for yourself, to hear their more beat driven urban sound, listen to H.O., for a pop-punk track, try Wasted Time, and for something to really get you pumped, listen to their song A Call to Arms. No matter what you love VladamiR probably has a song like it. Having quickly become a local favorite, with an outstanding and energetic live show and music that stretches across several genres these three really have something special.
History After a few set backs and line up changes the band is finally complete.VladamiR from its conception was Cameron Teague (guitar, voice), Jumal kawsara (bass), Jamal Pedescleaux (drums, rap), and John LaRosa (voice, guitar). After Jumal and Cameron left, the band lay on the edge of extinction. An old friend of theirs, Brad Skinner, stepped in to play shows and practice while the search for a new bass player went on. Shortly after another friend Brandon Shupe was welcomed into the group. A guitarist turned bassist, he lasted several months before other obligations became too overwhelming and left in 2005. After months of searching and finding nothing the guys finally convinced the skeptic to join. From their first practice with him it was obvious what they were missing all along. "Brad is the duct tape holding the band together" quotes John LaRosa, "The tooth is just plain cold ya heard" explains Jamal. Since the addition of Brad the band has had professional management which landed them a trip to sunny California to record with punk rock legend Greg Hetson of Bad Religion in 2005. After a dispute with their management VladamiR parted ways with the company and began searching out a new manager. When word leaked, offers came in and the band has yet to decide on their direction. Since being independent, VladamiR has played with bands such as The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Grammy award winning artist Ok Go. Whatever they choose it will no doubt advance their career another step toward the ultimate goal.
You wanna know the truth? We are constantly asked "Where did you get the name VladamiR from?" Often times we are a little embarrassed to tell so we make up a story like "Oh didn't you know, that's the former Russian prime minister." Though true, boring. So here's the REAL story. There is a popular website which will remain nameless, we'll call it allows users to submit photos of beautiful and sometimes (un)beautiful women very scantly clad. Sometimes doing very strange things if you get my drift. Anyway, these users do not use their real names, rather they use a pseudonym. One of the contributors name was none other than, yep, Vladamir. So there you go, Vladamir was taken from a porn site.
Ever Heard of Patrick Stephens? We'll he's pretty much at the top of his game in the sport bike world. He has been featured in several magazines and has released countless DVD's. His latest release "Patrick Stephens Freestyle Part 4: Keepin it Street" contains two of our songs. We are very proud to be a part of his video and encourage you all to get your hands on a copy.
Just added "Wasted Time", giver er a listen!!!!! Whats up people lots and lots going on right now. We have a ton of new songs written and finally recorded!!! Listen to "A Call to Arms" and "H.O". I will be adding more soon. We are finally ready to start playing shows again, so if you know of any coming up we are ready to promote our new disc. See you guys soon!!
Springfest 2008 Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Ok Go, VladamiR, and The Feds
Battle of the Bands
So so much in the works for us right now we are focusing on writing and we are playing out again!!! We will be making a Street Team page and encourage all of you to join us as a friend there as well. We look forward to seeing you guys very soon!!
10 minutes with VladamiR by Chad Fletcher from PR Relations inc.
1. How long have you guys known each other and how long have you been together as a band? Where are you from?
John: Ive know Hollywood for several years, we actually went to middle and high school together, I hated him back then.
Hollywood: Ya I've know this fool for a minute, we didn't talk much at first cuz he gay, but we get along pretty good now. We been a band for bout 4 years now.
Brad: I just meet these guys about a year before I joined, I've been in the band about 3 years. We are all from Fort Worth, TX.
2. What bands did you guys listen to growing up and which ones influenced you the most?
John: I was huge into punk, anything on Fat Wreck, Epitaph, Tooth and Nail, or Vagrant. Even Silverchair had a big part of my musical upbringing. So definitely those bands influenced the way I heard music and in turn the way I wrote/write music.
Hollywood: I was big into drummers and still am, I grew up on rap and hip-hop, and I still listen to the same today. Kickin it with John kinda turned me onto more rock type stuff and introduced me to a different style of drumming.
Brad: I used to listen to punk as well and Dream Theater, allot of progressive and drummers too.
3. What would you like the listener to gain or get out of listening to your music?
John: Wow thats a loaded question, probably that you can do so much more with what is available than is being done. I like to think we are doing something nobody else is and I think we are doing it tastefully.
Hollywood: Ya that you don't have to be confined to a certain sound and that your music is only limited by what you make it.
Brad: Ultra low bass.
4. Let everyone know about your latest project. How smoothly did the writing and recording process go with this release? Any tour plans in the near future?
John: Well we plan to get back into the studio very soon to record 3 more songs to add to the 6 or 7 we have that we are pleased with. I would love love love to tour and put a full length together to get out there.
Hollywood: Writing has never really been a problem for us, we make sure we love the music first, if we can get into feeling the music the words and the song follow. To take that music on the road would be amazing.
Brad: Ya I agree I wanna see the world doing what I love to do.
5. Do any of the events going on in the world today such as the war with Iraq or other subject matter come into play when you are writing your lyrics or do you mainly focus on man's relationship with God?
John: haha neither.
Hollywood: I can write about things Ive been through and get a better message across than I can write about things happening a world away.
Brad: I don't write lyrics.
6. How would you guys describe your music? How far do you think you have progressed as a band since you first started?
John: This is the worst question any band could ever be asked, so Ill leave it up to interpretation. As far as how far we've come, Jesus, we have matured so much as a band and as individuals, sometimes I listen to the first demo we ever made and cant believe how we turned out.
Hollywood: Ya you just have to listen and make up your own mind, we have come a hell of a long way since those early days though.
Brad: John couldn't sing then, and he cant sing now.
7. How would you describe your band and how would you describe the feeling knowing that you can help someone who's lost through your music and message?
John: Umm, I guess I would describe our band as a family, its a pretty humbling feeling to be able to possibly change a life through a song.
Hollywood: Ya what he said.
Brad: Yes.
8. What's the story behind the bands name?
John: haha, theres a whole paragraph or two about that on our myspace page.
Hollywood: Long story.
Brad: We have a name?
9. This is the speak out portion of the interview. You can air your thoughts about anything you want. Let everyone know what's on your mind about any subject you like.
John: I want a record deal, i wanna play our music for people that actually want to hear it, I cant think of a better way to make a living than traveling the globe with my best friends doing what I do best. Beware of people trying to exploit your dreams also, there are allot of scams out there, the old adage "If it sounds to good to be true it probably is" is very true. I think we have outgrown the scene around here, we've played with everyone and we are always the band that doesn't scream.
Hollywood: Ya someone give us a fucking deal man, we put our hearts in this shit, alot of these fake ass motha fuckas do it cuz its an image they wanna look like, they dont care about the music. They got their fancy haircuts and tight pants, fuck all that. We actually got love for what we do.
Brad: I wanna rock.
10. What Music have you guys been currently listening to?
John: Bayside, The Fold, John Mayer, Sum 41, Blindside, you know, the hits.
Hollywood: Dem young franchise shop boyz.
Brad: XM Satellite radio.
Become a member of our Street team too and get the first chance to hear about new shows, new merch and free cd give aways, all you have to do is add "VladamiR Street Team" to your friends list.
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Or if none of that works you can find us on AOL IM:
John: Yelloturtleneck
Hollywood:Papi mawl
Brad: Sorry Brad cannot afford the free version of AOL Instant Messenger :(
Thank you to everyone for being our friend!!