Hiroshi Nonami profile picture

Hiroshi Nonami


About Me

"All the images are made by hand. No computers, no Photoshop. There are a variety of techniques and tricks that he uses. Such as letting mold grow on the film during the summer. (That's why some images have a moldy stain or pattern.) He also stacks the slides to combine images and obtain various effects. He admits that even he often can not predict how the image will turn out. Sometimes an error turns out to be a blessing in disguise. He does manually whatever Photoshop can do. It's a painstaking process and no wonder if it tooks 5 years to publish a book!"1954 Born in Shimane Prefecture 1974 Graduated from Osaka Photography Academy 1979 Founded Studio No·ah 1991 Solo Exhibition - EXHIBITION - in Osaka 1992 Solo Exhibition - IMPRESSION and EXPRESSION, inTokyo and Osaka Solo Exhibition- ABYSS OF TIME, Osaka; Submitted at GOOD ART Exhibition, in Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art 1995 Issued Photo book of Music Group LUNA SEA, "ZOE" Issued Photo book "EUREKA" Submitted DansenMacabre Exhibition, San Anton Museum,United States. Solo Exhibition - CHAOS, Horiuchi Photo Salon,in Osaka and Nagoya 1998 Solo Exhibition - Foto-en Diasalon Kalmthout Fotokring, Belgium 1999 Solo Exhibition -E-MODE, PARCO Tokyo, Nagoya, Sapporo and Osaka 2003 Solo Exhibition - Hiroshi Nonami JI-KO-KU, in Osaka 2004 Solo Exhibition - Hiroshi Nonami Mousa , in Osaka 2007 Solo exhibition - Muse- Mondo Bizzarro Gallery, Rome.http://www.mondobizzarro.net/

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