KIVA LOANS, MAGICAL REALISM, artists from south america stone circles, reiki, energy, the mayan calendar, four quarters farm, drinking red wine, eating good food, travel, massage, ritual, trance, peyote meetings, new mexico, light particles and waves, quantum physics, other demenisions, buddhism, string theory, 2012, forgiveness, divine nature, divine connection, laughing, hugging, divination, kripalu, yoga, peru
people i would like to meet: more people like the ones from mississippi. or kripalu. a teacher. someone that will take me to india. more people like my new BFF. people that live near me. people that build stone circles.
i have lost my musical way. mostly my ipod is used to listen to books on tape. i need some new music.
charlie and the chocolate factory because it makes me laugh, zombie flicks, vampire flims, films that make me cry....i am really just too dumb to remember movies i like- what the bleep do we know?, the matrix- films that question the reality of our reality...anything that makes me laugh out loud and makes me laugh later when am all by myself...DO IT
damn you bravo tv and LOST....damn that fucking LOST...big love
american gods- it is a good f-ing read, the traveler too....also good omens, borges, marquez and tom robbins, chick lit, emma and sense and sensibility, anne rice and the bible, i read books like a turkey i will read and eat just about anything in front of me...getting back to ellen gilchrist...pema chodron, the way of the peaceful warrior, my reiki manuel, yoga books
still my dad and cheesy as it may sound my boyfriend, scott...after seeing him at stones