+SEX^y~LiCiOuSs+ profile picture



About Me

Who am i? I'm a gurl..~duhhh~..BUT I'm taken!! LOVE meeting new people and exchange views about countless numbers of topics...HATE being judged by judgemental freaks and otherwise...(oops!)TOTALLY *IN LOVE* WIF MY EVERDEAREST FAR8 SULIMAN*J'ADORE HIM*...(Dont u even think about changing dat!!!)A verrry open-minded gurl and an optimistic one too..Verrry bubbly and verrry talkative! (~watch out~) Only adapt to the feeling of *hatredness* when there's one trying to *provoke* me...I LOVE myself and I LOVE those who love me..(who doesnt?)Urm, anyways, care to be my friend? Just add me and PLEASE dont *add-me-up* just 4 da sake of adding the number of friends u have...When I said *add-me*...means dat...KEEP IN TOUCH..and dont be a LAZY BUM, too lazy to even say a simple 'HELLO'...TOODLES~

My Interests

I LOVE being FREE-SPIRITED...n be in touch with the RYTHM of life...Maybe I'm not BORNED as an ARTISTIC individual BUT I'm willing to strive hard 4 it...DRAMA is very exciting coz in that very limelight u could ACT all CRAZY with some real EMOTIONS...YES, I'm very much interested in this 'BROADCASTING' field but am also very much interested in ADVERTISING!!! Talkin' bout interest, i also love dancing though i'm far from being a professional dancer, i just simply ENJOYS IT!!I WISH I WAS DANCING, FLOATING ACROSS THE FLOOR, HE(FAR8) WAS WEARING A SUIT AND I WAS IN A GOWN..WE TWIRLED IN OUR FANTASY FULL OF LAUGHTER AND LOVE. OUR WARM FEELING COMBINES AND AS I AM LOOKING INTO HIS(FAR8's) EYES, SEARCHING EVERY CORNER OF HIS(FAR8's) PERFECT SOUL..I STOP. THEN REALIZED THAT I WAS NOT IN A BALLROOM, NOT IN A GOWN, JUST STARING INTO HIS(FAR8's) EYES AND *I'M DANCING*

I'd like to meet:

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 90%

Kissing Skill Level - 88%

Cudding Skill Level - 76%

Sex Skill Level - 95%

Why They Love You You know how to push their buttons.
Why They Hate You You're too good to be true.

This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 3290538 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !


Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com!


My FAMILY n FRIENDS always label me as MOVIE MANIAC...I guess it's an *UGLY TRUTH* coz I never really can live WITHOUT t.v, d.v.d, c.d n that AMAZING EXISTANCE of the.....'CINEMA'...to list down each n every favourite movies that I love, maybe I'll take me a whole NEW ACCOUNT to do so..hehe..LOVE,LOVE,LOVE, every movies that I watch wif my darling *SAYUNKS*


Hold up!! I've to think..there's too many programs..to many choices to list it down to just a few favourite ones..GOSH!! All of them are my favourites!! OKAY..I'll choose according to my UP-MOST fav tv channels which is channel: 'TADA...' Channel 70(STARWORLD) n 71(MTV) of ASTRO... just enjoy all of its shows..


The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero ..

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster




Loving Far8

To the world, you may be ONE PERSON, but to me you may be THE WOLD...

My Blog

Video Clip?!

Sorry, just the lyric (Bedroom Window):- All alone in my room Sitting here till afternoon All I heard is so sad, sad, listen to what they say From the room window ooo... Ordinary day x 4 C...
Posted by +SEX^y~LiCiOuSs+ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

HORRENDOUS things just happens...

TSUNAMI!!! Does everybody give a **** about it? Well, they should have... How would you know that among the helpless victims, none of your long-disatance relatives is NOT in it? Arent sure of yourself...
Posted by +SEX^y~LiCiOuSs+ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Heck! What's THEIR problem?

"ENOUGH!" Seem familiar? If so, then you have been in my shoes... I decided it's ENOUGH when i had ENOUGH.. The thing is, these humans, they have this habit of judging people and being too insensitive...
Posted by +SEX^y~LiCiOuSs+ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST