hidup ini
umpama permainan catur
kita adalah perancangnya
dunia adalah papannya
bergantung kepada kita
untuk mencorakkan
bijak perancangan kita
cerahlah masa depan kita
silap perancangan kita
gelaplah kehidupan kita
kesilapan yang kita
lakukan dahulu
atasinya dengan kebijaksanaan
kita sekarang
jangalah kita mengikut
rentak permainan musuh
yakinlah dengan
keputusan kita
tabahkan hati
menerima risikonya
binalah empayar kita
empayar hidup yang tak
dek hujan
pastinya kemenangan akan
menjadi milik kita.
Mereka yang tidak jemu-jemu berada di belakang aku, memberi semangat dan harapan untuk aku terus berjuang.
What others says about me:
This is for you guys and girls out there to fill in. Send it through my inbox. Thank you.
8th October 2007, 2.07pm
si jambu yang aku menci amat sbb dpt dekan last sem..honestly aku jeles.
budak 'rendang' dlm kls yg memakai spek oren n xpenah basuh kasut..
penah 1 mase rs cm die adek aku even die xcute cm aku..
xske tgk die dlm kls cz die xensem..
xske rmbt die skrg cz...u should noe faiz..
once again, xske die cz pointer die smpi dekan..
ske die cz die kanak2 yg riang - mungkin ikot seng..
ske die cz klu xde die n seng, xde malay yang dpt dekan 4 our course..
ske die cz die xpenah sshkan idup aku.. (so far )..
ok dh xde mende lg..
faiz mutalib..kem slm kat abg kau..
6th October 2007, 2.51pm
ah, faiz, faiz,faiz.
sape dia ya?
seorang yang, kuat buat tahi mata.
kuat make
kuat ape lagi ya..
kal nak kena dia, senang je.....
dia seorang yang hapy go luky
suka tido
suka gi jale
suka naik moto
suka make sikit tapi acak kali
suka sangat2 nah air milo
suka sangat2 ayam goreng
suka,,, nak senang kata suka
blako la...
setengah ore kata faiz ni "semua dia layan"
pe lagi ya.......
pe yang ak aspek kat dia,,
dia suka tolong ore, sebab 2 dalam kelas dia dipanggil
tauke poto stek......dan bank duit skeleng........
k lah rasanya dah banyak dah ni,,.....
jumpa lagi......
4th August 2007, 5.53pm
1. poyo
2. playboy
3. penakut
4. pondan
5. pelembab (procrastinator)
"5p" is all things about faiz..hihee
anai'e syok..!
sore wa bokuno HANDY CAM desu ka..?
19th July 2007, 10.51pm
well,wat can i say bout him?
jambu!,i must say knl die last year a fren of soleha we hang out x gne nye soleha!,nk kenen2 kn kteorg!!!x jd r beb sbb faez bkn seorg pencinta wanita hahah.mule2 die seorg yg pendiam.mulot x reti nk berbicare lngsong.tp lelame maken ok.dh byk kali hang out ngn sol n fahmi.oh mmg faez seorg lelaki yg budiman lg pemurah.kekadang byr kn utk i.hehehe.besh!maken lme kawan,maken terserlah ke'faez'an nye tuh.hope our relationship will stronger after dis.hope to c u soon
Seng Song
15th July 2007, 5.57pm
HaHaHaHa....faiz,faiz.....tiap2 hari jumpa.Time blaja jumpa,time mkn jumpa,time tido jumpa,time layan movie jumpa,time kutuk2 org jumpa,nasib baik time mandi xjumpa!!!!
Kadang2 baik sangat....bla mood dia dh cam sial,start la perangai cam org gila.
Tapi ingat!!Jgn sesekali pandang rendah@atau memperkecilkan keupayaannya!!!AWAS!!!kerana bila2 masa saja BELIAU mampu menewaskan anda!!!!
"Tapi aku xtewas lagi kat ko"(hahahah...gurau jerk)
Dalam class????
Slow skit.Selalu buat muka blur n boring especially time math!!!tapi dia bukannya BODOH!!!!balik rumah dia review balik....sbb tu dia pandai!!!!hahahahaha.....
Semangatnya akan membara-bara pabila dihina atau diperkecilkan!!!!!
"Please,DON'T Try This at Home",kata saya.
Akhir skali,FAIZ paling benci math,paling suka Electric Circuit,paling kuat tido,paling kuat makan,paling suka cakap "Social lah skit" walaupun dia sndri pun xsocial.
Anyway,ingatlah pesananku ini wahai si mambang!!!!!
"Failure is beginning of the growth,not beginning of the end"
14th July 2007, 2.29pm
Hmm.. About faiz...
aku ni boleh ar nak d katakan rapat...
dengan mala'un nie...
tdo sebilik pun dah banyak kali dah..
ai'k jangan salah anggap plak.. udah le..
so.. banyak gak lah aku tau tentang dia...
hehehe.. habis la kau faiz..(",)..
nak d katakan smart x lah sangat..
aku lagi smart wakaka...
skit2..tu adalah kot..
tapi mamat ni jambu sikit..
bukan aku je kata..
ramai yang kata...
x pelik lah kalau ramai pompuan yang cair tengok dia
ye lah kot..
wait2.. tapi sume nenek2..yg cair-mair tu..
hmm.. tentang pompuan..
setakat ni.. gue rase dia ni single lagi...
"x10tion" mane2..cewek's yg berkenan,, cepat2.. le..
sebab gue dengan dia sendiri,, masih mencari-cari
mne pompuan yang menjadi idaman hati..
so.. tunggu masa dan keadaan je la sekarang ni untuk bertindak...
Hmmmm..udah2.. le 2.....banyak sangat.. kene buat stu buku.. "ALL ABOUT FAIZ MUTALLIB"..
HIK3.. cuba cari.. gue jamin mesti xde..
5th July 2007, 9.00pm
Lets see,Md Faiz B Abdul Mutalib...
what in Satan's name should i say about you.
Well,dude's a great guy.I would know,I've known the dude fer yeeears.Read my lips,Y.E.A.R.S,years butch.
Obviously dudes a great guy(not going to elaborate further on this),a guy you would bring to your aging parents,and they'll be like,"Ur friend there sonny, is the shit",and they mean it in the good way of course.
anyway,dude's a ladies man.Babi,fucking envy aku.I mean,u could see chicks drooling at the dude at college.WTF?apa ada kat dia.Well,other than the obvious reason he's good looking,dude's a gentleman,so they say.Yeah,he's an asshole around us guys.Go figure.
dudes single btw,woohoo for u chicks right.
What else.....uh,I dont know dude,ive got nothing.
Hear this anyway.
You's guys out there,if u dont know him,well..get to know him.He's a dying breed of human that does not,i repeat,Does Not suffer from imanASSHOLEfilatis.Yes,a very common disease among us human folks.
With a friend like faiz,who needs enemies.
Aight,thats all..owh,thanks for always having my back man,and no worries,i have yours.I owe you big(uh,tiket wayang nnt aku bayar,haha,lupa plak smalam)
P.S: dude IS intimidated by woman who are TALLER than him.So stay off the high heels if u dont wanna make him faint.FACT!
"This shit is copyrighted.Any attempt to edit it would result in me coming over to kick ur ass"
1st July 2007, 8.29pm
Lelaki yg Agak Macho tp....
walopon bliau d..kutuk,d..bahan,d..hina...
tp bliau amat pnyayang!!!
BTOL x FAIZ!!!???
aku knl mamat nie since high skowl..
tiap2 ari klo blh aku nk nyakat die maen dota bersama2 ngn rakan baik beliau yg amat chomel bernama HUSSEIN!!!!
sein...aku respect ko cz dpt awek nm per ekk??
hmrmm..yg pkai bju pink ms g party ari 2??
gogo cHAIYOK FAIZ!!!!!
1st July 2007, 1.58pm
faiz is basically a 'control macho' person!
haha. he's my pakcik tue with no driving lisence.he's a really good listener!that makes him a really good friend.also, one thing no one cant resist about him is that he's HOT! x) he's really nice and sometimes over reacting. haha. when u talk to him, he'll definetly give u some advice (which sometimes it dosent work.AT ALL) haha.he's always busy! he's not that oh so serious person. he's fun to be with! he could be really annoying at times but that makes it so fun talking to him!He's a great guy and no one would regret being his friend. trust me.
29th June 2007, 10.50pm
my brother's so sweet
in times of need he is there
my brother's so responsible
he taught me a lot of things
my brother's so funny
we even teared from laughing
my brother's so fierce
don't mess with him when his angry
my brother fell inlove
and he's very very happy
my brother made up his mind
and had a nice sweet family
my brother is away
i'm sad when i think of it
but my brother's heart is good
and i know he will never forget me.
27th June 2007, 8.43pm
I noe faiz since high skewl. Lelaki pujaan ramai I shud say. Used to admire him last time. But now kte jd kwn baik. Kn dude? Frankly to say, faiz sgt baik orgnye. :) faiz anak mak! Never forget bout dat. Haha. Bdk ni mmg x guna dalam bab cinta n perempuan. Mmg hancur gle! But he always have frens beside him to listen his problem. Really messy when making a decision. Sgt bercita2 besar. Nk majukan anak bangsa. I respect that. Die sgt pemurah. Wee~ suwo owg blanje die, turn out die yg blanje owg tu. Basically, soleha is faiz’s shopping partner, gayyo partner as well. Haha. U mess with him, I’ll break ur nose. :) walaupon kdg2 die agak cilaka, somehow he relly nice to me. owh yeah. One more thing. Walaupon nmpk faiz mcm ego, mamat ni jiwang gle weyh! :P
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My dad. Thank you for everything. I love you.