das profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

my name is das. i am half american bulldog and half alaskan malamute. i sleep. i take pottie walks around the block. i eat. repeat.

My Interests

learning english, eating people food, patroling my porch.

I'd like to meet:

sweet bitches who know how to play rough & any human who will share their food.


mom and dad listen to cool stuff. but i really like the sound of my own voice.


old yeller, turner and hooch, cujo, pet cemetary, lady and the tramp


animal cops


any dog that doesn't sport a collar.

My Blog


it's cold outside! it's cold. i wanna dig. i wanna dance. i keep running into walls. it's cold. cold. cold. cold. cold. mom and dad i wanna go walk. oh my god it's cold. cold. yay!!! it's cold. ...
Posted by das on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all my tests are negative. wanna hook up?

mom took me across town the the doctor this morning.   i got a shot and she stuck something up my butt.  that sucked, but i got to see a lot of dogs.  this big ass german shepard w...
Posted by das on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST