Treasure hunting and hot glue guns, the great outdoors, a good bottle of Irish whiskey (still prefer Powers and Sons but Jameson will certainly due), Youngs Double chocolate stout, visiting old friends and meeting new, acupuncture and herbal medicine, traveling, anything new and exciting, natural disasters.
Whoever controls this puppet show.
Dr. Strangelove, Cool Hand Luke, Dead Man, Apocalypse Now, Superstar, Heathers, Secretary, Anything by David Lynch, anything with Will Ferrel or Bill Murray, Blues Brothers
The Weather Channel...I could watch it for hours. Any Geologically Catastrophic phenomenon.
Most of Tom Robbins, Huck Finn, Slaughter House Five, The Tao of Pooh, RESearch Books, The Alchemist, The Empress Orchid, The Prophet, smut mags (US and In Touch..sad but true) National Geographic