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.: x name- rachael
.: x height- 6'1
.: x hair color- dirty blonde
.: x real hair color- brunette
.: x eye color- blue
.: x birthday- jan. 16
.: x age- 18
.: x taken by who? daniel
.: x for how long? 2 years
.: x why do you like him/her? funny, outgoing, no words can describe him
.: x is he/she older than you? yes
.: x planning on doing anything soon? have children. haha just kidding
.: x drink- vault
.: x ice cream flavor- chocolate
.: x smell- fantasy by britney spears
.: x sport- baseball GO REDSOXS
.: x channel- VH1
.: x celebrity- George Clooney
.: x memory- last night. just kidding
.: x candy- hershey kiss
.: x show- laguna beach
.: x animal- rabbits
This or that
.: x roses or daisies- roses
.: x cell phone or AIM- celly
.: x mall or movies- movies
.: x tv or computer- tv
.: x cat or dog- dog
.: x rock or rap- rock
.: x water or milk- water
.: x shorts or pants- shorts
.: x dinner and a movie or walk on the beach- walk on the beach
.: x blue or pink- blue
.: x color or black and white- black and white
.: x friends or family- friends
.: x baseball or basketball- baseball
.: x coke or pepsi- pepsi
.: x bright or dark- bright