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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor . His motto is" A Man called by God that Just Happens to Sing". Every generation has to have men and women of God that will stand here and declare generational instruction. The Apostlic voice a voice of establashment the Apostles has to be able to lead the body to the next dimension. The word Apostle means (one who is sent) in order to be sent you must be called. Called unto God in order to be sent from him. Those who have been in God know the importance of living and declaring only what he says. I am bothered by Apostles in this day they have no lifestyle or Word. We Have to be able to see and hear God in this last generation for this Last generation. Apostle Anglin has been called to declare present truth not old manna but that which the Lord is speaking presently. He has one wife in whom he loves with all of his heart. His favorite saying is( I have to protect her because she has the only key to me). Two sons and he loves his family and his church. He focus on Building Leaders, and churches with Apostlic stradegy. You must know them that Labor among you he helps dis-mantle spirits that are on assignment to stop Leaders from Leading. God is restoring the body back to the purpose in which God created it. That is rulers over all the earth. His awesome style of preaching captures the mind of man, and creates in broad brigde that allows people to cross over Jordan into there cannon. He in the summer of 2008 will release his third album. Look- out hes coming to a city near you. To be a partner with his ministry contact klwm at and dont forget to by his new solo album entitled ( I'll say Yes).