Sari profile picture



About Me

THIS IS HOW I FEEL LATELY:I hate these kinds of things: but i love these:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

dear you: i've written many times but have yet to receive a response. what's the weather been like? are you happy? have you made any new friends? things are the same with me. well, the same since you've been gone. i'd like very much to steal an hour of your time. maybe take a walk and talk about what's happened since last we met. or admire a sunset. or find a tree on which to etch our initials. i'm afraid that would be the only permanency to our last, brief, beautiful encounter. till then...


feist, metric, ladytron, !!!, roxy music, pinback, rapture, faint, fiona apple, blackheartprocession, threemilepilot, yeahyeahyeahs,lightning bolt, black sabbath, arabonradar, arab strap, deathcab, walkmen, misfits, songsohia, devics, mogwai, good life, flaming lips, spoon, kent, camera obscura, AIR, murder city devils, ugly cassanova, blonderedhead, depeche mode, numbers, les savy fav, built to spill, cure, joy division, new order, jawbreaker, psychedelic furs, rites of spring, whiskeytown, bunkbed, ryan adams, red house painters, explosions in the sky, wilco, the fog, q-and-not-u, barbara streisand, fingerscutmegamachine, fleetwood mac, j.j. cale,arcade fire, iron&wine, ray charles, billie holiday, louie armstrong, ella, etta, etc, etc...


harold&maude, being there, down by law, super troopers, clifford, amelie, l'homme du train, in america, grizzly man, amelie


law and order(s). extreme makeover anything. i enjoy before and after sequences.


currently: "the kite runner". previously: "everything is illuminated". nextly: "extremely loud and incredibly close" david sedaris. joan didion. james frey. don delillo. milan kundera. pablo neruda. gabriel garcia marquez. jonathon safran foer. augusten burroughs. joseph heller. anything nursing related or a pictorial of integuementary diseases.


No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego: te amo como se aman ceirtas cosas oscuras, secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma. Te amo como la planta que no forece y lleva dentro de si, escondida, la luz de aquellas flores, y gracias a tu amor vive oscuro en mi cuerpo el apretado aroma que ascendio de la tierra. Te amo sin saber como, ni cuando, ni de donde, te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo: asi te amo porque no se amar de otra manera, sino asi de este modo en que no soy ni eres, tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mia, tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueno.