i like to write nutty songs,smoke weed,drink booze,fuck burds,listen to music, all usual things a typical arsehole does...
em... count dookoo
er... most scottish stuff some american stuff and some other stuff too
all the star wars,all the matrix films, all the blade films,all the lord of the rings and harry potters,traingin day,kung pow,shaolin soccer,dumb and dumber,kung fu hustle,lemony snickets,all the ace ventura's,hell boy,me myself and irene,cable guy,south park the movie,team america lots of other ones aswell...
operation good guys,the office,lost,rome,nature programs,freinds lots of other ones aswell....
uncle polly from the rocky films,bruce lee, roper and williams,the raptors in jurassic park,cheif wigum from the simpsons,bender from futurama...