1451 E. Williams Field Rd. Suite 101
(Southwest corner of Val Vista & Williams Field)
Gilbert Arizona, 85295
Proven California tan technologies
*Viatan 2000 to help accelerate tan development. *CuO2 and TRF2000 to help maximize tanning results for deeper and darker color.
"The red bull for your tan"
*Intense energy to help speed up tan development. *Natural minerals and peptides to help optimize pigment darkening.
Triple Age-fighting serum
*Powerful antioxidants help prevent lines, wrinkles, & loss of firmness. *Enhanced collagen production for firmness.
Quatro Bronzing Activators
*Step 1 BRONZEXTEND Complex creates natural color for beginning of fair-skinned tanners.
*Step 2 BRONZEXTEND Complex develops dark results for advanced tanners.