Photography is my biggest interests. Model railroads, computers, Ham Radios, airplanes, and movies...
I Love These Two!!! They are so awesome together! Enjoy my sis and bro Jenna & Channing! Step Up on DVD Dec. 19, 2006!!
All kinds!! I love the 50s, 60s, 80s, 90,s, Christian music, some rap, pop rock, classical, and way many others out there. Check this funny video out!
GOONIES!!!! Man there are way to to many to put on here. But Goonies is the all time fav of all times. 8 Mile is another fav movie. I'll add more lata on though..
Way too many to name! Well lets say Herb now there is only one Herb and people that work were I work know whom I'm talking about. With out him I wouldn't be with the best company ever!ALL THE NEW YORK PD & FD!! YOUR ALL IN OUR PRAYERS!!