Learning stuff, Cartoons, Comedy, Philosophy, Poetry, and Ascension (ask me)
Poets, philosophers, dreamers, idealist, movers, shapers, and makers... Just some really deep people.
Blues, NeoSoul, Hip Hop, Southern Rock, Reggae...My favorite song is "Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison My favorite group is Fleet-wood Mac And my favorite artist is a toss up between Van Hunt and Remy Shand
The Matrix Trilogy, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, America Beauty, Pulp Fiction, Clerks, The Inuyasha Trilogy, Office Space, Fight Club, Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Princess Mononokee, Four Brothers, and a few others.... I'll keep you posted.
Farscape, Adult Swim, Trigun, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Monk, The 4400, Battlestar Galactica, The Deadzone
Cracking the Cosmic Egg, The Feminine Mystique, Spiritual Sayings, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
What is a hero anyway? Come and help me pay some bills and I'll idolize you all you like! LOL