deborahMichael profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

my name is deborah michael. i am ethnic, but most people are unsure of my ethnic origin. i speak in accents, i like people with accents. i like to read and i enjoy writing when there are no restrictions. i laugh a lot. i throw my head back when i laugh, then clap and look around like a fool. i love watching other people but don't really like people watching me. i have beautiful feet after a pedicure, otherwise they are barbaric. i fold my trash when i'm done eating at fast food places. i hate crumpled paper. i like coffee. i like desserts that go with coffee that are rare and expensive. i color coordinate my closet because it makes me feel happy. 99% of my shoes have no shoelaces. my favorite color is green and i love patterns that appear eastern in origin. i love shirts with birds on them. i would describe myself as hopeful. i think i look best in small round mirrors. i love eyeshadow. chinese people are incredibly amazing and beautiful. my hair used to be beautiful. i fell in love with india this summer. one day i will help lots of oppressed women to be free, just as i am. i am deborah michael. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

reading, watching people, learning inside and outside the classroom, midwifery, new people, people, different languages, foreign food, good atmosphere, mood lighting, creativity, brilliance, pictures, organic sounds, making wallets, anzevino & florence and asian decor

I'd like to meet:

pedro claver, john of chrysostom, frederick buechner before he dies and dr. catherine hamlin before she dies


Anathallo, astrudGilberto, andreaBocelli, bobbyDarin, charlieHall, coldplay, damienJurado, damienRice, deanMartin, ellaFitzgerald, frankSinatra, furtherseemsForever, gipsyKings, iron&Wine, jamesTaylor, kingsofConvenience, louieArmstrong, mae, mewithoutYou, overtheRhine, pattyGriffin, u2, worshipCircle,


myFairLady, Amelie, XmenSeries, WaitingforGuffman, amightywind, spinaltap, bestinshow, matrixSeries, houseOfD, toEndallWars, tearsOftheSun, Superman, oh...


heroes, the office, alias


dictionary, the hospital by the river, around the world in eighty days, the phantom of the opera, the poisonwood bible, to kill a mockingbird, the story of christianity, the hungering dark, lost daughters of china, falling leaves, the count of monte cristo, portrait of a lady, crime and punishment, the idiot, becoming adult becoming christian, shantung compound


mother teresa, al n' gail anderson, pedro claver, dr. catherine hamlin, grandma in china, G, rob, tara, jen gif, heather munoz and daodas...