Traveling, Star Wars, Pirates, Cycling, concerts, and drunk bowling. Wild Turkey, Drinking white trash beer (Miller Lite, Old Milwaukee, Mickey's, Pabsts, MillerHigh Life) Listening to heavy metal, hardcore, punk, and rock.I love going to the Colorado River in AZ and being white trash for several days and going wakeboarding, dressing up for the River Float and going to local dive bars. Being random, Tattoo's, Guitar Hero, Trying to finish up my Helicopter CFI Certificate. Saving up for our cycle tour in South East Asia in Sept. =) Can't wait.
KEWL and HAWT peeps. Metal heads, hippies, travelers, posi people, people to ride with.
-36 CrazyFists, Agnostic Front, Agony Scene, Alkaline Trio, AWK, At the Drive-In, Atari Teenage Riot, Beastie Boys, Bloc Party, Bloodlet, Bloodsimple, Bravery, Bury yo Dead, Caliban, Casey Jones, Cave-In, Chimaira, Coalesce, Converge, Curl up and Die, Cursed, Death from Above '79, Demon Hunter, Descendents, Disembodied, Donna's, Dredge, Dropkick Murphys, Earth Crisis, 18 Visions, the Faint, Far, Fear Factory, FischerSpooner, Foo Fighters, Full Blown Chaos, Good Clean Fun, Gorilla Buiscuts, Green Day, Hatebreed, Ignite, Integrity, Into Another, Kid Dynamite, Kill Holiday, the Killers, Killswitch, Korn, Lamb of God, Life Time, the Locust, Machine Head, Matoe, Mean Season, Meshuggah, Muse, My chemical romance, Nirvana, Old Man Gloom, Operation Ivy, Overcast, Panic, Pantera, Peaches, Refused, Scurvy, the Secret, Sepultura, Sick of it all, Sinai Beach, Slayer, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, SoilWork, Stick Figure Carousel, the Stitches, Stone Sour, STP, Super Joint Ritual, Texas is the Reason, Throwdown, le Tigre, Training for Utopia, Trust Company, Turmoil, Unbroken, Underoath, the Used, Velvet Revolver, V.O.D., Warzone, Weezer, Youth of Today, ZAO. ...If you can't tell I just went through my ipod A-Z. ha ha so bored right now.
Good movies and heavy music. -Star Wars, Not another teen movie, Groundhogs Day, Cast Away, Baraka, Captain Blood (1933 Classic Pirate movie), Batman Begins, Napolian Dinamite, Big Lebowski, Office Space, Boogie Nights, SAW.
Max Cabelera, Ray Beez (RIP), Lisa Cohen (story lady w/ bunny bunny foo foo)