straight edge, jiu jitsu, thai boxing, tv on dvd, horror movies, zombies, icy hot, NOT GOD, the mission
everything else is just extra...AIM....JoinMeInDeathXXX...oh, and visit my house and watch the videos
the misfits, unbroken, creedence, lifetime, gorilla biscuits, jawbreaker, sick of it all, jets to brazil, deftones, danzig, vision of disorder, fall silent, rise against, earth crisis, alkaline trio, hot water music, bloodsimple, MUSE, dragonforce, against me! and mainstream rap.
star wars, dirty work, bad boys 2, dead alive, evil dead, phantasm, cemetery man, the last man on earth, return of the living dead, the thing, frailty, reservoir dogs, akira, bad taste, starship troopers, poltergeist, from dusk till dawn, the dead trilogy, the shawshank redemption, suspiria, seven samurai, shogun assassin, versus, battle royale, true romance, jaws
the shield, LOST, nip/tuck, 24, arrested development, curb your enthusiasm, dexter, wondershowzen, desperate housewives, smallville, prison break, my name is earl, ali g, the office
art of war, have a nice day, shadows of the empire, bios, and harry potter books on cd