My Snowboarding Portfolio...
Math...I really like math, Sometimes during sex I do math in my head, It helps you know...I like to ride boards... snowboarding ...surfing... skating...Born and raised in the Hawaiian Island's, I was the only white kid, I learned to make people laugh...or get pounded by Hawaiians.... I use to skate Sea Town and Cali..those were the good days...I've always loved art...probably the kind you hate...My priority's are a little screwed because I've lost the time to enjoy painting on the side of your walls...I like to wouldn't guess if you met me out... Love 80's music...Miss the West Coast...Love film, if I could just wright this damn script in my head, it would scare the shit out of you...I get hard over apple computers...Better yet, ask your girl she knows me....
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..................Who gives someone a 5 dollar gift card....really? .........Is Alcohol bad for a good sunburn? ........ I've found only One good reason to eat corn! ........I like these (.......) a lot......! I have an IQ. of 173 yet can't seem to fill my page out correctly.......
This is my definition of a boombastic jazz style
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NEW MUSIC VIDEO - featuring Dido
Glamorama-Brett Easton Ellis, The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho, The State Farm Deluxe Homeowners Policy...Lately
..........Keith and Graham