I live a fast yet calculated life, always pushing for the next step up. I'm very independent, into the arts, outdoors, active all the time, into tryin different things. I like to go swimming, work out, party with friends, be retarded, you know all the good stuff we can't deny ourselves...'Only alive once' right!
My life has taken me all over the world (u gotta see the pics) Ask me sometime and I'll tell you more...
As you may see, I like to have a good time; but I also like to get paid to do it. I've always been into music, media, and entertainment...I like to make others shine
So that's what I do!HA!
I'm a privately contracted Entertainment Media Production Consultant. So you need ANYTHING involving EVERYTHING entertainment, you're lookin at the right profile!!
I make music, videos, graphic art, promote events, run shows, n' all that! LOL
I'm also the Productions Manager for WhoBoy? Entertainment LLC Jax. We are in the process of releasing our first major group of recording artists 'JONRA'. You can click on any of the buttons or view my videos to see more of them (i do just about all their stuff)....
So Maybe I'll be able to retire a millionaire by the time I'm 40 (ha I wish)!!
So...what about you?