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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Captain Obvious and I'll be your, ah, captain this evening.

My Interests

Finding a new job and new digs. If you are looking to rent out a place in St. Paul for the next year on the cheap, lemme know. Or if you want to pay me to do something fun, lemme know.

I'd like to meet:

Paul Simon, so I can thank him for being the greatest musician known to man. And the person who designed the MySpace page, so I can tell them to change this gaddamn category to WHOM I'd like to meet for the love of Gad.


While still basking in the glow of Paul Simon, even six months after the concert of a lifetime, my new favorite song is The Arcade Fire's "Keep the Car Running." I must also give props to new enjoyment The Bird and the Bee and James Hunter. Plus, let's be honest, who didn't buy the new Christina Aguilara album and love it to death. Ahem. And then there's the everyday faves: Death Cab, DMB, Fiona, Rufus, Flaming Lips, Decemberists, Chicago, The Go! Team, Tom Jones, Beyonce, Blues Traveler, Wham!, Radiohead, and the ineffable Beatles. Song of the day: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, "Satan Said Dance!"


The Year of the Dog was very good; just saw it April 20.Of course I can always watch So I Married an Axe Murderer, Tommy Boy, or Sleepless in Seattle, but then there's True Lies, The Fifth Element, Better Off Dead, Down With Love, Singing in the Rain, The Princess Bride, Bad Boys, Love Jones, The Wedding Singer, Happy Gilmore, The Emperor's New Groove and Fight Club. Practically everything, except for scary/gross movies and things like Pearl Harbor (which I've never seen but really, who wants to? Not this guy).


I don't watch much, but do own the Arrested Development DVDs, and with some help from my friends, am catching up on Animaniacs and House. Currently airing, this guy is pretty stoked to TiVo Heroes and Grey's Anatomy.


Currently reading: The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards - rather melancholy but quite good; Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs; A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut. Lolita is probably my favorite book, followed closely by The Princess Bride, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Anne of Avonlea, and Cordelia's Honor. And Midnight's Children was probably the best thing I read for a class ever ever. Michael Perry is my new favorite author, though I was also totally enthralled by Chuck Klosterman at the Fitzgerald on Feb. 23, and like all I've read of his. I dig David Sedaris, Nick Hornby, Nick Flynn, Virginia Woolf, Jennifer Weiner, J. D. Salinger, Tolstoy, now, suddenly, Lynn Emanuel, John Irving and Joel Stein. Among others.


Christopher... my mom... my dad... Dana... J-rad... Jon Stewart... J-5... whoever writes Dr. McNinja ...

My Blog

The next big thing

The countdown has passed begun and is now practically over. I can't believe it's May 16 today; three and a half days until I leave for the Holy Land with my parents. Freaky. Let's hope for some divine...
Posted by Bren-Bren on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:16:00 PST


Yoinked from Todd, and music seems to be a good way to kick off the blog. 1) What album reminds you of 1995?Eighth grade - definitely Bush's "Sixteen Stone." Oh Gavin, why didn't you love me back?2) ...
Posted by Bren-Bren on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:25:00 PST