Morgan ♥ profile picture

Morgan ♥

TRYING is FAILING with honor...either do it or don't aka shit or get off the pot, that simple.

About Me

Wanna make me fall in love with you?...Just take me fishing, and dont worry I can bait my own hook!
I like to feel the rain drops on my face,kiss slowly, watch the sunset with someone I love, enjoy the little moments that life throws at me...not to mention my beautiful daughter Jayden Nicole who is just the most wondrful angel in the world and the love of my life, and fill my days with laughter and happiness. Im a sucker for laffy taffy, pickles, my boyfriend, four-wheelers,my boyfriend, tattoos, my boyfriend, NASCAR, whiskey and pretty much anything a boy can do...because I can do better! And my FrIEndS...where do I begin? You know who you are, so don't feel bad if I'm not going to talk much on this subject, but don't worry I'll let you buy me a shot later!!!lol GDN for life bithces... SOME HOBBIES: I love to dance, play with my little angel, I do some hiking here and there, shoot a few guns, drink coca cola slurpees, ride a few bikes, see a few movies, work out some...yeah if you really know me you would know thats a BIG "yeah right",hike a few canyons, dance in a few country bars, and at the end of all that...just sit back and watch ESPN!
This profile was made at! :)

My Interests

I love to shop, eat, and go out... I also love to play with Jessica's yina!!!
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You Are an Appletini
Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.
But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal. What Mixed Drink Are You?

I'd like to meet:


I like to dance...ALL I WANT TO DO IS DANCE!!! so anything that I can shake my booty to, or sing to!


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I love Jessica and Erikas yina.. i think its a waste of time...

I found my rollover effect at .. , They're awesome!


got to read it...return to love

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The House Wife
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R.I.P. Lindsay Kendrick(aka LuLu), I love you so much, you were the bestest friend a girl could ever have...true and beautiful, and you will always be in my heart forever...I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH AND THINK ABOUT YOU EVERY DAY, MUCH LOVE!!!!

what my sister has to say to me!!! statement eight: well basically you drive me freakin nuts when you come in my room and mess up all my stuff and take my cloths and dont return them. but since you are another siblin i have to love you with all my heart and i also choose too. your the best and like i said on the last two i also couldnt ask for another one. your daughter is the angle and the bestpart of our lifes and im glad your brought her here to be apart of them...what would our lifes be like with out her...well i love you so much even when im yellin at you over the phone because you moved my face wash!!!

yeah and of course my beautiful sister!!

My Blog

What a GIRL really means...

When a GIRL is quiet, Millions of things are running in her mind.When a GIRL is not arguing, She is thinking deeply.When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full ofquestions, She is wondering how long you w...
Posted by Morgan ♥ on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:35:00 PST